Unknown (Latium, Italy), II CE
AE (1994), no. 297
= AGRW ID# 24517
Slab. Now in Rome, Museo Nazionale Romano, Terme di Diocleziano (inv. 255339). These spice traders (piperarii) were apparently organised in units that were described in military terms as cohorts and centuries. The brothers belonged to the Firmus century. They may have worked in the ‘Pepper Warehouse’ (horrea Piperataria), the large warehouse complex where products from the eastern trade were stored and sold.
To the divine spirits. Publius Veracius Firmus for Publius Veracius Proculus and Publius Veracius Marcellus, most dutiful brothers of the cohort of pepper workers (piperarii), the century of Firmus. Their heir made this.
Translation by: Birgit van der LansD(is) M(anibus) | P(ublius) Veracius Firmus | P(ublio) Veracio Proculo et | P(ublio) Veracio Marcello || fratribus pientis|simis coh(ortis) pip(erariorum ((centuria)) Firmi | heres fecit.
Item added: February 14, 2017
Item modified: March 16, 2020
ID number: 24517
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