Dedication to Asklepios by Sacrificing Associates from Prospalta Subdivision (III BCE) ║ Athens - Attica
Membership List and Honors by Sacrificing Associates for their Treasurer (185/184 BCE) ║ Piraeus - Attica
Dedication of a Gymnasium to Zeus and Anthas by Fellow-sacrificers (ca. 150 BCE) ║ Anthedon - Boeotia
[38] Dedication to Zeus Hypsistos by a Group of Attendants under Erotas (II-III CE) ║ Beroia - Macedonia
[41] Contributions to the Temple of Silvanus by Members of an Association (II CE) ║ Philippi - Macedonia
[50] Bequest to an Association of Initiates of Zeus Dionysos Gongylos (I CE) ║ Thessalonike - Macedonia
[51] Dedication to Theos Hypsistos by an Association of Banqueters (late I CE) ║ Thessalonike - Macedonia
Dedication and Membership List (frag.) of Initiates of Dionysos (undated) ║ Nikopolis on the Istros - Thrace
Dedication (frag.) to the Hero Karabazmos with Membership List (undated) ║ Odessos - Scythia and Moesia
List of Group-members in Charge of the Offering Receptacle (ca. 230 BCE) ║ Olbia - Scythia and Moesia
Dedication (frag.) to Theos Hypsistos by the “Adopted Brothers” (210-234 CE) ║ Tanais - Bosporan region
Dedication (frag.) to Theos Hypsistos by the “Adopted Brothers” (210-227 CE) ║ Tanais - Bosporan region
Victors (frag.) in Competitions of Physicians – Menandros and Secundus (138-161 CE) ║ Ephesos - Ionia
[190] Subscriptions of the Initiates of Dionysos with Imperial Dedications (80/83 CE) ║ Smyrna - Ionia
[257] Victories in Contests of Tribes within an Immigrant Association (200-150 BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Contributions by Sarapiasts for the Sarapis and Nile Festivals (I BCE) ║ Methymna on Lesbos - Northern islands
Dedication of an Altar to the Gods Aglibol and Malakbel by a Society (34 CE) ║ Palmyra - Syria and Phoenicia
Dedication of a Banqueting Hall to the God Aphlad by an Association (54 CE) ║ Doura Europos - Mesopotamia
[299] Regulations of a Demotic Association Devoted to the god Souchos (158/157 BCE) ║ Tebtynis - Fayum region
Dedications to Apollo (Qos) by a Corporate Body of Idumean and other soldiers (79-78 BCE) ║ Hermoupolis Magna - Upper Egypt
Collection of Imperial and Other Documents about Dionysiac Performers and Hatres (288 CE) ║ Oxyrhynchos - Upper Egypt
Honorific Decree for Lysimachos by Performers Devoted to Dionysos (ca. 246 BCE) ║ Ptolemaïs Hermiou - Upper Egypt
[298] Honorary Decree and Membership List of Dionysiac Performers (269–246 BCE) ║ Ptolemais Hermiou - Upper Egypt
Dedication to the Deities Thriphis, Kolanthes, and Pan by a Synod (137 BCE) ║ Ptolemais Hermiou - Upper Egypt
Reservation and Membership List (frag.) of Money-Lenders and Stenographers (ca. 200 CE) ║ Rome - Latium
[330] Statue for Pompeia Agrippinilla Dedicated by Initiates of Dionysos (160-70 CE) ║ Torre Nova - Latium