[116] Honors by Dancing Cowherds for the Proconsul Quadratus (after 109 CE) ║ Pergamon - Mysia and the Troad
[118] Honors by Settlers on a Street for the Consul Rufinus (after 142 CE) ║ Pergamon - Mysia and the Troad
Honors by Settlers on the Acropolis for the Consul Rufinus (after 142 CE) ║ Pergamon - Mysia and the Troad
[146] Honors by Clothing-Cleaners for the Prefect and Sebastophant Montanus (98-117 CE) ║ Akmoneia - Phrygia
Honors by Civic Institutions and Androkleidian Merchants for Vedius Papianus (132-220 CE) ║ Ephesos - Ionia
Honors by a Sacred Synod of Apollo for the Governor Flavius Arrianus (130-137 CE) ║ Hierapolis - Cappadocia
Dedication of a Monument Architrave by Italian Hermaists (?) (after 166 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Greeks and Italians for the Quaestor L. Cornelius Lentulus (after 110 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Italian Businessmen from Alexandria for the Legate Gaius Marius (99 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Romans, Greeks, Merchants, and Shippers for Manlius (85-78 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Romans, Greeks, Merchants, and Shippers for Manius (85-78 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Greek and Italian Businessmen for Aulus Terentius Varro (ca. 82 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Roman Businessmen for Koan Citizens and Julius Caesar (44 BCE) ║ Kos - Southeastern islands
Renovations to a Building for Devotees of Harthotes and Sachypsis (93 CE) ║ Theadelpheia - Fayum region
[303] Imperial Letters to Athletes and “Diploma of the Boxer” (194 CE) ║ Hermoupolis Magna - Upper Egypt
Collection of Imperial and Other Documents about Dionysiac Performers and Hatres (288 CE) ║ Oxyrhynchos - Upper Egypt
Imperial Privileges for Philosophers, Physicians, Teachers, and Athletes from the Digest (117-211 CE) ║ Rome - Latium
Honors by Performers of Aphrodite for Proconsul Caninus and for Sopater (46-42 BCE) ║ Syracuse - Sicily