Dedication of an Architrave to the Therapeutists and Melanephorians (93/92 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Melanephorians and Therapeutists for Dionysios son of Menios (119/118 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Melanephorians and Therapeutists for Dionysios son of Dionysios (116/115 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication of Renovations for Egyptian Deities by a Melanephorian (112/111 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication (frag.) of Altars and a Clock for Egyptian Deities by a Melanephorian (ca. 100 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication of a Statue of the Gods Herakles and Harpokrates by Herakleides (25 BCE) ║ Alexandria - Delta region
Contributions and Seating Positions for Banquets of a Synod of Harpokrates (43-49 CE) ║ Tebtynis - Fayum region