Honorary Decrees of a Society of Sacrificing Associates Inscribed on a Cult Table (316-300 BCE) ║ Athens - Attica
Honorary Decrees by Sacrificing Associates of Amynos, Asklepios and Dexion (313-263 BCE) ║ Athens - Attica
Honorary Decree by Sacrificing Associates of Bendis for Athenian Citizens (337/336 BCE) ║ Piraeus - Attica
[12] Decree of Sacrificing Associates of Bendis Honoring Supervisors (329/328 BCE) ║ Piraeus - Attica
Honorary Decree by Society-Members of the Mother of the Gods for Soterichos (265/264 BCE) ║ Piraeus - Attica
Honors by Devotees of the Egyptian God Ammon for Aphrodisios and Others (262/261 BCE) ║ Piraeus - Attica
[17] Decree of Sacrificing Associates of Bendis Honoring Two Members (241/240 BCE) ║ Piraeus - Attica
Honors by Sacrificing Associates of the Mother of the Gods for a Priestess (213/212 BCE) ║ Piraeus - Attica
Membership List and Honors by Sacrificing Associates for their Treasurer (185/184 BCE) ║ Piraeus - Attica
[19] Regulations of Sacrificing Associates of the Mother of the Gods (183-174 BCE) ║ Piraeus - Attica
Honors by Sacrificing Associates of the Mother of the Gods for a Secretary (175/174 BCE) ║ Piraeus - Attica
Honors (frag.) by a Society of the Goddess Bendis for Leaders [1] (272/271 BCE) ║ Salamis island - Attica
Honorary Decree by Equipment Bearers for Kriton the Priest of Sarapis (117 BCE) ║ Demetrias - Thessaly
Honors by Devotees of Isis and Sarapis for Lucius Valerius Priscus (II-III CE) ║ Philippi - Macedonia
Honors by the Initiates of Dionysos Kallon for Soterichos and Semnos (50-100 CE) ║ Byzantion - Thrace
Honors by Initiates of Dionysos Kallon for Italicus and Lollia Catulla (50-100 CE) ║ Byzantion - Thrace
Honors by the Initiates of Dionysos Kallon for Diodoros and Stallia Prima (112-116 CE) ║ Byzantion - Thrace
Honorary Decree (frag.) by Therapeutists for Paramonos the Priest of Sarapis (ca. 200 BCE) ║ Maroneia - Thrace
Honorary Decree (frag.) by Therapeutists for Sokles the Priest of Sarapis (I-II BCE) ║ Maroneia - Thrace
Honors by Civic Institutions and Alexandrian Businessmen for Harpokration [A] (II CE) ║ Perinthos-Herakleia - Thrace
Honors by Civic Institutions and Alexandrian Businessmen for Harpokration [B] (II CE) ║ Perinthos-Herakleia - Thrace
Honors by Civic Institutions for Chrysogonos the Leader of the Mysteries (150-250 CE) ║ Tomis - Scythia and Moesia
Honors (frag.) by Civic Institutions with Mention of a Theatrical Synod (161-180 CE) ║ Tomis - Scythia and Moesia
Honors (frag.) Involving Sacred Object Bearers and Sacred Sailors (II-III CE) ║ Tomis - Scythia and Moesia
Letter of the Theatrical Synod to Herakleia Regarding Honors for Marcius Xenokrates (II CE) ║ Herakleia Pontika - Pontus
Honors by a Society for Asklepiades the Priest (123 or 108 BCE) ║ Apameia Myrleia area [Triglia] - Bithynia
Honors by a Society for Medeos the Priest (120 or 105 BCE) ║ Apameia Myrleia area [Triglia] - Bithynia
Honors by a Society for the Priestess Stratonike (119 or 104 BCE) ║ Apameia Myrleia area [Triglia] - Bithynia
[100] Honors by Initiates of Sarapis and Isis for Julius Frugi (ca. 150 CE) ║ Prusa by Olympos - Bithynia
Honors by Inhabitants in the Trading-station for Damatrios (after 212 CE) ║ Prusias by Hypios - Bithynia
Honors by an Association (bennos) for Menagoras (imperial era) ║ Prusias by Hypios area [Dia] - Bithynia
Honors (frag.) by Athletic and Theatrical Synods for Kallikles (undated) ║ Prusias by Hypios - Bithynia
Grave of Trophimos Prepared by Elders and Roman Settlers from Prusa (I-II CE) ║ Hadrianoi - Mysia and the Troad
Honors (?) by Stall Keepers, Merchants, and Roman Settlers (I-II CE) ║ Ilion area [Abydos] - Mysia and the Troad
Acclamations for Prokonessos, a Guild, and a Proconsul (II CE) ║ Kyzikos area [Prokonessos] - Mysia and the Troad
[116] Honors by Dancing Cowherds for the Proconsul Quadratus (after 109 CE) ║ Pergamon - Mysia and the Troad
Honors (frag.) by Dancing Cowherds for Julius Quadratus (109-138 CE) ║ Pergamon - Mysia and the Troad
[118] Honors by Settlers on a Street for the Consul Rufinus (after 142 CE) ║ Pergamon - Mysia and the Troad
Honors by Settlers on the Acropolis for the Consul Rufinus (after 142 CE) ║ Pergamon - Mysia and the Troad
Honors by Villagers for Glykippos with Mention of a Neighborhood (13/14 CE) ║ Daldis area [Tabilla] - Lydia
Honors by Civic Institutions for a Hierophant of Dionysos Kathegemon (ca. 250 CE) ║ Philadelphia - Lydia
Honors by Initiates of Apollo on the Shores for Euxenos (ca. 150 BCE) ║ Sardis area [near Gygaia lake] - Lydia
[128] Honors by the People and the Roman Businessmen for a Resident Foreigner (50/51 BCE) ║ Thyatira - Lydia
[131] Honors by Leather-cutters for the Leader of an Association of Romans (late I CE) ║ Thyatira - Lydia
Grave (frag.) of Philippos Prepared by a Brotherhood and Company (II CE) ║ Thyatira area [Montana] - Lydia
[140] Honors by Civic Institutions for a Priestess in Connection with Mysteries of Artemis (II-III CE) ║ Thyatira - Lydia
[137] Honors by a Highpriest of the “Whole Athletic Meeting” for a Friend (ca. 220 CE) ║ Thyatira - Lydia
Honors by Hymn-singers and Theologians for the Priestess Julia Asklepiake (undated) ║ Thyatira - Lydia
Funerary Honors by a Society for a Chief-initiate (undated) ║ Thyatira area [Hadrianopolis-Stratonikeia] - Lydia
[146] Honors by Clothing-Cleaners for the Prefect and Sebastophant Montanus (98-117 CE) ║ Akmoneia - Phrygia
Honors by Roman Settlers and a Street Association for Ruso (ca. 69-81 CE) ║ Apameia Kelainai - Phrygia
Honors by Romans and Thermaia Street for Piso and Granianus (ca. 160 CE) ║ Apameia Kelainai - Phrygia
Honors by Roman Settlers and the Leather-worker Street for Granianus (ca. 160 CE) ║ Apameia Kelainai - Phrygia
Honours by Thiounta Village for a Brotherhood [A and B] (II CE) ║ Hierapolis area [Thiounta] - Phrygia
[153] Honors by the Sanhedrin of Romans and Other Groups for Apollonides (pre-212 CE) ║ Hierapolis - Phrygia
Honors by Hierapolis and Sacred Victors for Sophron the Comic Performer (II-III CE) ║ Hierapolis - Phrygia
Posthumous Honors by Romans and Greeks for Q. Pomponius Flaccus (I-II CE) ║ Laodikeia on the Lykos - Phrygia
Honors (frag.) by Clothing-cleaners for a Temple-warden (211-300 CE) ║ Laodikeia on the Lykos - Phrygia
Honours by Clothing-Cleaners for the Equestrian Egnatius Quartus (late I-II CE) ║ Temenouthyrai - Phrygia
[170] Honors by Civic Institutions and Wine-Tasters for P. Vedius Antoninus II (162/163 CE) ║ Ephesos - Ionia
Honors by Civic Institutions and Androkleidian Merchants for Vedius Papianus (132-220 CE) ║ Ephesos - Ionia
Honors for Claudius Chionis with Mention of Sacred Victors (25/26 CE) ║ Miletos area [Didyma] - Ionia
Honors by the Association of Sanctuary Dedicators for Athenagoras (188 CE) ║ Miletos area [Didyma] - Ionia
Honors (frag.) by Porters Devoted to Hermes for M. Aurelius Thelymitres (late II CE) ║ Miletos - Ionia
Honors (frag.) by Civic Institutions and Initiates for Agapomene’s Daughters (I-II CE) ║ Smyrna - Ionia
[188] Honors by Civic Institutions and Initiates for Two Female Theologians (I-II CE) ║ Smyrna - Ionia
[193] Honors by Performers and Initiates of Dionysos Breiseus for a Benefactor (150-200 CE) ║ Smyrna - Ionia
Honorary Decrees by Dionysiac Performers and Fellow-competitors for Kraton (before 158 BCE) ║ Teos - Ionia
Funerary Honors by Societies and Other Groups for Capitolinus and Bassus (I BCE- I CE) ║ Teos - Ionia
Honors by Initiates and Others for a Herald (imperial era) ║ Apollonia Salbake area [Kidrama] - Caria
Funerary Honors by Thrasyllos, the Friends, and the Companions for Isokrates (undated) ║ Iasos - Caria
Bench with Honors by Civic Institutions and Athletes for Q. Vedius Capito and Family (98-138 CE) ║ Kaunos - Caria
Honors by Adoniasts, Aphrodisiasts and Asklepiasts for Alexandros (I BCE-I CE) ║ Rhodian Peraia [Aulai] - Caria
Honors (frag.) by Devotees Founded by Sosigenes for Athenagoras (100-50 BCE) ║ Rhodian Peraia [Idyma] - Caria
Honors (frag.) by Adoniasts, Apolloniasts, Soteriasts, and Others (200-51 BCE) ║ Rhodian Peraia [Thyssanous] - Caria
Honorary Decree for a Functionary in Dionysiac Mysteries (undated) ║ Stratonikeia area [Lagina] - Caria
Honors for a Priest Who Hosted a Corporate Body of Women (undated) ║ Stratonikeia area [Panamara] - Caria
Honors by the Association of Sidareians for Chaeremon the Ambassador (26/25 BCE) ║ Tralles area - Caria
[204] Honors by Civic Institutions and the Settlement of Romans for a Benefactor (post-127 CE) ║ Tralles - Caria
[205] Honors by Initiates for Amyntianus the Priest of Isis and Sarapis (post-132 CE) ║ Tralles - Caria
Funerary Honors for Chariton and Menippos by Athletic Victors and Elders (imperial era) ║ Tralles - Caria
Honors by the Friends for Onesikleas the Poet (undated) ║ Anazarbos area [Hierapolis Kastabala] - Cilicia
[212] Honorary Decree by Performers for Pompeianus Regarding a Mystic Contest (128/129 CE) ║ Ankyra - Galatia
Honors by a Sacred Synod of Apollo for the Governor Flavius Arrianus (130-137 CE) ║ Hierapolis - Cappadocia
[220] Honorary Decree of Milesians for Aristeas (153-154 CE) ║ Aigiale on Amorgos - Southwestern islands
Dedication to Sarapis, Isis, and Anubis by Ninth-Day Celebrators (ca. 200 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication to Sarapis, Isis and Anubis by Three Groups (ca. 200-150 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors (frag.) by a Synod of Egyptian Immigrants for Benefactors (200-166 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
[222a] Honors by Israelites for Menippos of Herakleia (ca. 250-175 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors (frag.) by Athenians, Romans, and Merchants for Dionysios (after 166 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
[223] Honorary Decree of Tyrian Immigrants for a Member and Priest (153-152 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Berytians for Two Benefactors with a Dedication of an Exedra (153-88 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
[224] Honors by Berytian Poseidoniasts for Minatius the Roman Banker (ca. 150 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
[230] Honors by Alexandrians for a Ptolemaic Governor of Cyprus (post-127 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Athenians, Romans, and Foreigners for Theophrastos (126/125 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Merchants, Shippers, and Foreigners for Theophrastos (126/125 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Athenians, Romans, Merchants and Shippers for Menophilos (124/123 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Romans, Merchants, and Shippers for Thrasippos (124/123 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by a Synod of Melanephorians for Demetrios the Priest (124/123 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Romans, Greeks, Merchants, and Shippers for Aropos (94/93 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Athenians, Romans, and Foreigners for an Island Supervisor (123 or 101 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Melanephorians and Therapeutists for Dionysios son of Menios (119/118 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors (frag.) by Athenians, Romans, and Foreigners for an Island Supervisor (before 118/117 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Melanephorians and Therapeutists for Dionysios son of Dionysios (116/115 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Athenians, Romans, and Other Greeks for Dionysios (110/109 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Merchants and Shippers for the Priest Diognetos (ca. 106/105 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Athenians, Romans, and Other Greeks for the Priest Ammonios (103-101 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors (frag.) by Italian and Greek Businessmen for the Banker Gerillanus (ca. 100 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Romans, Merchants, and Shippers for the Banker Gerillanus (ca. 100 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Romans, Merchants and Workers for Lucius Aufidius (ca. 100 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Romans, Greeks, Merchants, and Shippers for Aropos (ca. 96/5 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Romans, Greeks, Merchants, and Shippers for Manlius (85-78 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Romans, Greeks, Merchants, and Shippers for Manius (85-78 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Romans, Greeks, Merchants, and Shippers for Asklepiades (ca. 70 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors (frag.) by a Synod for T. Flavius Demetrios and Theano (98-117 CE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Melanephorians and Sacred Object Bearers for Phanias (200 BCE) ║ Eretria on Euboia - Southwestern islands
Foundation by Argea and Honors by the Association of Anthister (ca. 200 BCE) ║ Thera - Southwestern islands
Honors by Bacchists for Ladamos the Royal Official and Family (II BCE) ║ Thera - Southwestern islands
[244] Decree of Syrian Immigrants Devoted to Atargatis (late III-II BCE) ║ Astypalaia - Southeastern islands
Honors by Herakleians and by Dushara-devotees (?) for a Man (undated) ║ Chalke - Southeastern islands
Funerary Honors by Aphrodisiasts and Panathenaists for a Couple (undated) ║ Chalke - Southeastern islands
Honors by Cilician Soldiers for Governor Seleukos (?) (142-131 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors with Mention of an Honorary Member of the Performers (142-105 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Lycians for the Daughter (?) of Governor Lochos (127-124 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors by Cilician Soldiers for Governor Theodoros (123-118 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Ionian Soldiers for Governor Theodoros (123-118 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors by Lycian Soldiers for Governor Theodoros (123-118 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Lycian Soldiers for the wife of Governor Theodoros (123-118 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Lycian Soldiers for the Son of Governor Theodoros (123-118 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Ionian Soldiers for Governor Theodoros (?) (123-118 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors by Cilician Soldiers for Governor Helenos (114-107 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honorary Decree by Dionysiac Performers for Isodoros (114-106 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors for Kallippos an Honorary Member of the Performers (105-104 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors for Potamon an Honorary Member of the Performers (105-95 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) for an Honorary Member of the Performers (105-88 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors by a Society of Performers for Menedemos (ca. 200 BCE) ║ Salamis on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors by a Society for the Commander Theodoros (240-220 BCE) ║ Soloi on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honours by an Association Devoted to Zeus Hyetios for Two Members (III BCE) ║ Kos - Southeastern islands
Honors by a Contribution-society of Isiasts for Charmophantos (II-I BCE) ║ Kos - Southeastern islands
Honors by Roman Businessmen for Koan Citizens and Julius Caesar (44 BCE) ║ Kos - Southeastern islands
[246] Honors by Associations for a Civic Priest of the Augusti (imperial era) ║ Nisyros - Southeastern islands
Contributions (?) (frag.) by Hermaists and Other Groups (II BCE) ║ Kamiros on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Several Associations for a Naval Commander (I BCE) ║ Kamiros on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
[248] Honors by Devotees of Erethimios and Asklepios (27 BCE-14 CE) ║ Kamiros on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors by an Association for an Ephesian Benefactor (undated) ║ Kamiros on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
[251] Honors by Numerous Associations for a Priest (ca. 125-100 BCE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
[252] Honors by Dioskouriasts for the Priest Nikagoras (93 BCE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors by Herakleists and Others for a Naval Commander (100-50 BCE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors by Associations for Aristodemos the Priest (121 BCE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Funerary Honors (frag.) by Adoniasts and Other Associations (I BCE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
[254] Grave Prepared by Devotees of a Savior Deity (ca. 50-51 BCE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors by Devotees of Dionysos, Athena, and Zeus for a Benefactor (I CE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors for Antipatros Mentioning Dionysiac Mysteries (ca. 100 CE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Funerary Honors (frag.) by Soteriasts for Members (undated) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honorary Decree (frag.) by Euthalidians for Sosikrates (II BCE) ║ Netteia on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Agathodaimoniasts and Others (ca. 100 BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors by Panathenaist Soldiers and Family Members (ca. 100 BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Panathenaists, Soteriasts, and Athenaists (100-50 BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors by Samothraciasts and Others for a Soldier (100-50 BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors by the Theaideteian Fellow-soldiers for Theaidetes (I BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Posthumous Honors by Isiasts and Other Groups for Philokrates (I BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors by Aphrodisiasts and Soteriasts for Ploutarchos (I BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Funerary Honors by Diodoreians and Diophanteians for Protos (I BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Associations of Aphrodisiasts [1] (I BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by an Association for a Man from Kyzikos (I BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honours (frag.) by Cretans and Others for an Athlete (27 BCE-14 CE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Devotees or Priests of Apollo Averter of Mildew (I CE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Fellow-Initiates of the Samothracian Gods (I CE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Funerary Honors by an Association for Damas the Lydian (undated) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors by Tent-mates Devoted to Hermes for Python (undated) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors by the Polykleian Boarsans for Peisikrates (?) (undated) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Sarapiasts and Other Associations (II BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by the Aphrodisiasts (?) for a Memphite (undated) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Workers in the Harbor for Civic Functionaries (mid-I CE) ║ Chios - Northern islands
Honors for Emperor Tiberius with Mention of Mysteries (14-37 CE) ║ Mytilene on Lesbos - Northern islands
Honors for Artemisia in Connection with Mysteries of Etephila (ca. 200 CE) ║ Mytilene on Lesbos - Northern islands
[266] Honors by Performers for the Pantomime Julius Paris (117-138 CE) ║ Apamea - Syria and Phoenicia
Honors (frag.) for a Palmyrene and Benefactor of the Merchants (89-188 CE) ║ Palmyra - Syria and Phoenicia
Honorary Statue Erected for Zebida the Leader of the Society (117 CE) ║ Palmyra - Syria and Phoenicia
Honors (frag.) by a Merchant Caravan for a Leader from Forath (140 CE) ║ Palmyra - Syria and Phoenicia
Honors by a Symposium of Workers (?) for Septimius Odainath (257/258 CE) ║ Palmyra - Syria and Phoenicia
Honors by Goldsmiths and Silversmiths for Septimius Odainath (258 CE) ║ Palmyra - Syria and Phoenicia
Honors by Palmyra for Ouorodes Mentioning Caravans and Chief-merchants (262-268 CE) ║ Palmyra - Syria and Phoenicia
Honors by a Synod of Dionysiac Performers (?) for Titus Flavius Gerrenus (102-114 CE) ║ Gerasa - Decapolis
Decree of Landowners and Farmers on Rebuilding after an Earthquake (5 BCE) ║ Psenemphaia - Delta region
Honorific Decree for Lysimachos by Performers Devoted to Dionysos (ca. 246 BCE) ║ Ptolemaïs Hermiou - Upper Egypt
[298] Honorary Decree and Membership List of Dionysiac Performers (269–246 BCE) ║ Ptolemais Hermiou - Upper Egypt
[297] Honorary Decree by Dionysiac Performers for Dionysios (ca. 269–246 BCE) ║ Ptolemais Hermiou - Upper Egypt
Honors for C. Sulpicius Victor with Reference to a Women’s Assembly (curia) (ca. 200 CE) ║ Lanuvium - Campania
Honors by the Brotherhood of Onionaians (?) for Lucius Herennius Aristos (ca. 50 BCE) ║ Neapolis - Campania
[312] Honors by the Wandering Athletic Synod for T. Flavius Archibios (ca. 110 CE) ║ Neapolis - Campania
Honors by Neapolis for the Deceased Dionysiac Performer P. Aelius Antigenidas (ca. 150 CE) ║ Neapolis - Campania
Honors by the Brotherhood of Artemisians for Hilarianus with a Copy of His Letter (194 CE) ║ Neapolis - Campania
Honors by Performers of Aphrodite for Proconsul Caninus and for Sopater (46-42 BCE) ║ Syracuse - Sicily