Dedication of a Couch to Egyptian Deities by a Contribution-society (196 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedications to Apollo and the Italians by Aulus Nouius (after 110 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication to Herakles by Italian Devotees of Mercury, Apollo and Neptune (97 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Greek and Italian Businessmen for L. Munatius Plancus (ca. 88 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
[243] Regulation of the Association of Epikteta’s Relatives (210-195 BCE) ║ Thera - Southwestern islands
Dedication of a Mask of Dionysos for a Society of Elders (ca. 250-200 BCE) ║ Kition on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
List of Contributors to a Building Project Led by Xouthos of Antioch (ca. 195 BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
[267] Grave of Memor the Shipper Prepared by a House of Transporters (100-250 CE) ║ Askalon - Syria and Phoenicia
Honors for C. Sulpicius Victor with Reference to a Women’s Assembly (curia) (ca. 200 CE) ║ Lanuvium - Campania
Honors by the Brotherhood of Artemisians for Hilarianus with a Copy of His Letter (194 CE) ║ Neapolis - Campania