Mortgage Marker (frag.) for a Loan by Contributors with Pythodoros (ca. 400-250 BCE) ║ Athens - Attica
Official Record of Claims by Associations on Defaulted Loans to Theosebes (367/366 BCE) ║ Athens - Attica
Mortgage Marker for Loans by Contributors with Epiteles and Neoptolemos (ca. 350 BCE) ║ Laureotike - Attica
Mortgage Marker for a Loan by Contributors to Xenokles (ca. 300 BCE) ║ Arkesine on Amorgos - Southwestern islands
Mortgage Marker for a Loan by the Pot-sharers with Gnathios (IV BCE) ║ Hephaistia on Lemnos - Northern islands
Mortgage Marker for a Loan by Sacrificing Associates [1] (314/313 BCE) ║ Hephaistia on Lemnos - Northern islands
Mortgage Marker for a Loan by Sacrificing Associates [2] (314/313 BCE) ║ Hephaistia on Lemnos - Northern islands
Document (frag.) Mentioning Fellow Members of a Society (III BCE) ║ Arsinoites district - Fayum region
Loan Agreement between the Judeans Apollonios and Sostratos (182 BCE) ║ Krokodilopolis - Fayum region
Letter Concerning Seizure of a Surety by a President of an Association (after 142 BCE) ║ Philadelphia - Fayum region
Register of Loan Agreement (frag.) between the Judeans Mousaios and Lasaites (228-221 BCE) ║ Tebtynis - Fayum region
Loan Contract Between Society-members with Herianoupis and Nechoutes (101-100 BCE) ║ Pathyris - Upper Egypt
Foundation of Valeria Mousa for the Aristaian Brotherhood Involving Loans (I BCE-I CE) ║ Neapolis - Campania