Honors by a Society for the Priestess Stratonike (119 or 104 BCE) ║ Apameia Myrleia area [Triglia] - Bithynia
[121] Divine Instructions for the Household Association of Dionysios (late II-early I BCE) ║ Philadelphia - Lydia
[188] Honors by Civic Institutions and Initiates for Two Female Theologians (I-II CE) ║ Smyrna - Ionia
[202] Oracle from Delphi on Dionysiac Societies (ca. 278-250 BCE / 150 CE) ║ Magnesia on the Maeander - Caria
Honors (frag.) for a Priest Involving Resident Romans and Women (undated) ║ Stratonikeia area [Lagina] - Caria
Honors (frag.) by Asklepiasts and Aphrodisiasts for Benefactors (II BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Dedication of a Temple by Women Under the Leadership of Therapeutists (I BCE) ║ Chios - Northern islands
Honors for Artemisia in Connection with Mysteries of Etephila (ca. 200 CE) ║ Mytilene on Lesbos - Northern islands
[292] Letter of Complaint Against a Society Regarding Funeral Fees (218 BCE) ║ Magdola - Fayum region
Honors for C. Sulpicius Victor with Reference to a Women’s Assembly (curia) (ca. 200 CE) ║ Lanuvium - Campania
[330] Statue for Pompeia Agrippinilla Dedicated by Initiates of Dionysos (160-70 CE) ║ Torre Nova - Latium