Mortgage Marker (frag.) for a Loan by Contributors with Pythodoros (ca. 400-250 BCE) ║ Athens - Attica
Honorary Decrees of a Society of Sacrificing Associates Inscribed on a Cult Table (316-300 BCE) ║ Athens - Attica
Record (frag.) of Financial Transactions by Sacrificing Associates with Epigonos (IV-III BCE) ║ Athens - Attica
Dedication to Asklepios by Sacrificing Associates from Prospalta Subdivision (III BCE) ║ Athens - Attica
Honorary Decree by Society-Members of the Mother of the Gods for Soterichos (265/264 BCE) ║ Piraeus - Attica
Honors by Devotees of the Egyptian God Ammon for Aphrodisios and Others (262/261 BCE) ║ Piraeus - Attica
[17] Decree of Sacrificing Associates of Bendis Honoring Two Members (241/240 BCE) ║ Piraeus - Attica
Honors by Sacrificing Associates of the Mother of the Gods for a Priestess (213/212 BCE) ║ Piraeus - Attica
Honors (frag.) by a Society of the Goddess Bendis for Leaders [1] (272/271 BCE) ║ Salamis island - Attica
Boundary of the Sacred Land of Fellow-Sacrificers Devoted to the Muses (III BCE) ║ Thespiai - Boeotia
[73] Decree Concerning Contributions for the Construction of a Temple (late III BCE) ║ Kallatis - Scythia and Moesia
List of Group-members in Charge of the Offering Receptacle (ca. 230 BCE) ║ Olbia - Scythia and Moesia
[126] Edict Concerning Zeus and the Mysteries of Sabazios, Agdistis and Ma (II CE / 365 BCE) ║ Sardis - Lydia
Oracle of Apollo and Foundation of a Familial Society by Poseidonios (300-250 BCE) ║ Halikarnassos - Caria
Dedication (frag.) of Shrines of Zeus and the Mother with Mention of a Society (Hellenistic or imperial era) ║ Kaunos - Caria
[202] Oracle from Delphi on Dionysiac Societies (ca. 278-250 BCE / 150 CE) ║ Magnesia on the Maeander - Caria
Mortgage Marker for a Loan by Contributors to Xenokles (ca. 300 BCE) ║ Arkesine on Amorgos - Southwestern islands
Dedication of an Offering Receptacle in the Sarapis Sanctuary (ca. 200 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication of Benches to Sarapis, Isis, and Anubis by a Group (ca. 200 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication of a Bench to Sarapis, Isis, and Anubis by Devotees (ca. 200 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication to Sarapis, Isis, and Anubis by Ninth-Day Celebrators (ca. 200 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication to Sarapis, Isis, and Anubis by Tenth-Day Celebrators (ca. 200 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
[222a] Honors by Israelites for Menippos of Herakleia (ca. 250-175 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Grave of Demosthenes Prepared by the Noumeniasts (III BCE) ║ Chalkis on Euboia - Southwestern islands
Regulations (frag.) for Dionysiac Festivals and Performers (ca. 290 BCE) ║ Eretria on Euboia - Southwestern islands
Grave (frag.) of a Phoenician with Mention of Society-members (ca. 300 BCE) ║ Rheneia - Southwestern islands
Dedication to Poseidon and Amphitrite by Contributors (Hellenistic era) ║ Syros - Southwestern islands
Honorary Decree by the Andrakleidian Brotherhood for Theomnestos (ca. 300 BCE) ║ Tenos - Southwestern islands
[243] Regulation of the Association of Epikteta’s Relatives (210-195 BCE) ║ Thera - Southwestern islands
Foundation by Argea and Honors by the Association of Anthister (ca. 200 BCE) ║ Thera - Southwestern islands
[244] Decree of Syrian Immigrants Devoted to Atargatis (late III-II BCE) ║ Astypalaia - Southeastern islands
Dedication of a Mask of Dionysos for a Society of Elders (ca. 250-200 BCE) ║ Kition on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors by a Society of Performers for Menedemos (ca. 200 BCE) ║ Salamis on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors by a Society for the Commander Theodoros (240-220 BCE) ║ Soloi on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honours by an Association Devoted to Zeus Hyetios for Two Members (III BCE) ║ Kos - Southeastern islands
Donation (frag.) of Burial Plots and a Temple for an Association (III BCE) ║ Kamiros on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Regulation (frag.) for Sacrifices in the Sanctuary of Poseidon Helikonios (300-250 BCE) ║ Samos - Northern islands
Fine Tickets on Pottery from the Association of Kosadar (ca. 200 BCE) ║ Marisa - Judea, Samaria, and the Galilee
Dedication of a Banqueting Hall by Members of a Society (early III BCE) ║ Taposiris Magna - Delta region
Document (frag.) Mentioning Fellow Members of a Society (III BCE) ║ Arsinoites district - Fayum region
Dedication to Zeus and Athena by a Corporate Body of Cilicians (III-I BCE) ║ Arsinoe-Krokodilopolis - Fayum region
Register of Loan Agreement (frag.) between the Judeans Mousaios and Lasaites (228-221 BCE) ║ Tebtynis - Fayum region
Honorific Decree for Lysimachos by Performers Devoted to Dionysos (ca. 246 BCE) ║ Ptolemaïs Hermiou - Upper Egypt
[298] Honorary Decree and Membership List of Dionysiac Performers (269–246 BCE) ║ Ptolemais Hermiou - Upper Egypt
[297] Honorary Decree by Dionysiac Performers for Dionysios (ca. 269–246 BCE) ║ Ptolemais Hermiou - Upper Egypt