Dedication to Zeus, Hera and Athena for Hymn-singers (imperial era) ║ Nikopolis on the Istros - Thrace
Dedication to the Augustan Gods, Hermes and Herakles by Hymn-singers (I CE) ║ Pergamon - Mysia and the Troad
[117] Dedication of an Altar to Hadrian by Hymn-singers (129-138 CE) ║ Pergamon - Mysia and the Troad
Honors by Hymn-singers and Theologians for the Priestess Julia Asklepiake (undated) ║ Thyatira - Lydia
Dedication to Isis by Firmus the Priest and Financial Officer of an Association (imperial era) ║ Rome - Latium
Honors by Performers of Aphrodite for Proconsul Caninus and for Sopater (46-42 BCE) ║ Syracuse - Sicily