Dedication of a Statue of the Gods Herakles and Harpokrates by Herakleides (25 BCE) ║ Alexandria - Delta region
Dedication by an Ex-president of the Apolloniakan Synod (22 BCE or 22 CE) ║ Alexandria - Delta region
[283] Dedication of a Statue to a Synagogue by a President (imperial era) ║ Alexandria - Delta region
Dedication to Apollo (Qos) and Zeus by an Association of Idumeans (ca. 150 BCE)) ║ Memphis - Delta region
Letter Regarding Fees for a Banquet for Sarapis (200-250 CE) ║ Memphis (or Ptolemais Euergetis) - Delta region
[286] Dedication of a Statue by a Gathering-leader of a Sambathic Association (30 BCE-14 CE) ║ Naukratis - Delta region
Decree of Landowners and Farmers on Rebuilding after an Earthquake (5 BCE) ║ Psenemphaia - Delta region
Dedication of a Banqueting Hall by Members of a Society (early III BCE) ║ Taposiris Magna - Delta region
Dedication to Zeus and the Ancestral Gods by a Corporate Body of Boeotians (165-145 BCE) ║ Xois - Delta region
Document (frag.) Mentioning Fellow Members of a Society (III BCE) ║ Arsinoites district - Fayum region
Dedication of a Statue for a President by an Association of Bakers (3 CE) ║ Arsinoites - Fayum region
Petition (frag.) to the District Governor Mentioning a Society (134 BCE) ║ Aphroditopolis - Fayum region
Dedication to Zeus and Athena by a Corporate Body of Cilicians (III-I BCE) ║ Arsinoe-Krokodilopolis - Fayum region
Loan Agreement between the Judeans Apollonios and Sostratos (182 BCE) ║ Krokodilopolis - Fayum region
[293] Letter of Complaint Against a Society Regarding Funeral Fees (215 BCE) ║ Magdola - Fayum region
[292] Letter of Complaint Against a Society Regarding Funeral Fees (218 BCE) ║ Magdola - Fayum region
Account (frag.) of Wine and Bread Supplies for Club Meetings (109-108 BCE) ║ Kerkeosiris - Fayum region
Lease Agreement for a Vineyard with Mention of an Agricultural Society (170 BCE) ║ Philadelphia - Fayum region
Letter Concerning Seizure of a Surety by a President of an Association (after 142 BCE) ║ Philadelphia - Fayum region
Certificate of Payment by a Leader of the Weavers in the Role of Police Chief (92 CE) ║ Soknopaiou Nesos - Fayum region
Register of Loan Agreement (frag.) between the Judeans Mousaios and Lasaites (228-221 BCE) ║ Tebtynis - Fayum region
[299] Regulations of a Demotic Association Devoted to the god Souchos (158/157 BCE) ║ Tebtynis - Fayum region
Letters Concerning Asklepiades and a Corporate Body of Cretan Soldiers (145 BCE) ║ Tebtynis - Fayum region
Records (frag.) of Association Property Purchases with Royal Decree (124 BCE) ║ Tebtynis - Fayum region
Contributions and Seating Positions for Banquets of a Synod of Harpokrates (43-49 CE) ║ Tebtynis - Fayum region
Account of Expenses by Kronion of the Record-office Concerning Associations (45-46 CE) ║ Tebtynis - Fayum region
Renovations to a Building for Devotees of Harthotes and Sachypsis (93 CE) ║ Theadelpheia - Fayum region
Record of Contributions (frag.) to a Judean Banqueting Association (I BCE) ║ Apollonopolis Magna - Upper Egypt
Archive of Petitions and Letters Concerning a Corporate Body of Judeans (144-132 BCE) ║ Herakleopolis - Upper Egypt
Documents Concerning Grain Shipments by the “Horse-racing” Shippers (63/64 BCE) ║ Herakleopolis - Upper Egypt
Dedications to Apollo (Qos) by a Corporate Body of Idumean and other soldiers (79-78 BCE) ║ Hermoupolis Magna - Upper Egypt
[303] Imperial Letters to Athletes and “Diploma of the Boxer” (194 CE) ║ Hermoupolis Magna - Upper Egypt
Court Records Concerning Funerary Workers and Theft of Corpses (67 or 95 BCE) ║ Oxyrhynchos - Upper Egypt
Decree (frag.) of a Prefect Regarding a Member of the Weavers’ Association (62 CE) ║ Oxyrhynchos - Upper Egypt
Minutes of a Council Meeting Involving Linen-dealers and Linen-weavers (271-272 CE) ║ Oxyrhynchos - Upper Egypt
Contributions to the Sacred Victors by Those of Various Occupations (272-275 CE) ║ Oxyrhynchos - Upper Egypt
Collection of Imperial and Other Documents about Dionysiac Performers and Hatres (288 CE) ║ Oxyrhynchos - Upper Egypt
Court Records Concerning a Linen-Weaver Threatened by Builders (302-309 CE) ║ Oxyrhynchos - Upper Egypt
Declaration of the Death of a Guild Member (370/385/400 CE?) (370 CE? 385? 400? CE (December 10)) ║ Oxyrhynchos - Upper Egypt
Loan Contract Between Society-members with Herianoupis and Nechoutes (101-100 BCE) ║ Pathyris - Upper Egypt
Honorific Decree for Lysimachos by Performers Devoted to Dionysos (ca. 246 BCE) ║ Ptolemaïs Hermiou - Upper Egypt
[298] Honorary Decree and Membership List of Dionysiac Performers (269–246 BCE) ║ Ptolemais Hermiou - Upper Egypt
[297] Honorary Decree by Dionysiac Performers for Dionysios (ca. 269–246 BCE) ║ Ptolemais Hermiou - Upper Egypt
Dedication to the Deities Thriphis, Kolanthes, and Pan by a Synod (137 BCE) ║ Ptolemais Hermiou - Upper Egypt