Honors by Devotees of the Egyptian God Ammon for Aphrodisios and Others (262/261 BCE) ║ Piraeus - Attica
[32] Dedication to Augustus by an Association of Roman Merchants (27 BCE-14 CE) ║ Akanthos - Macedonia
[78] Dedication of a Column by a Priest of a Baccheion of Asians (early III CE) ║ Nikopolis on the Istros - Thrace
Dedication of an Altar to the God Herakles for Nikomedian Sculptors (undated) ║ Nikopolis on the Istros - Thrace
Honors by Civic Institutions and Alexandrian Businessmen for Harpokration [A] (II CE) ║ Perinthos-Herakleia - Thrace
Honors by Civic Institutions and Alexandrian Businessmen for Harpokration [B] (II CE) ║ Perinthos-Herakleia - Thrace
Dedication to Herakles Pharangeites by a Synod of Herakleians (150-200 CE) ║ Kallatis - Scythia and Moesia
[83] Dedication of Chrysa the Manumitted Slave to Theos Hypsistos (41 CE) ║ Gorgippia - Bosporan region
Dedication of Dorea the Manumitted Slave to Theos Hypsistos (93-123 CE) ║ Gorgippia - Bosporan region
[128] Honors by the People and the Roman Businessmen for a Resident Foreigner (50/51 BCE) ║ Thyatira - Lydia
[131] Honors by Leather-cutters for the Leader of an Association of Romans (late I CE) ║ Thyatira - Lydia
Dedication of an Altar to Zeus Dionysos by Koroseanian Initiates (undated) ║ Dorylaion area [Koroseanos] - Phrygia
[150] Grave of a Judean Family Mentioning the Settlement of the Judeans (161-200 CE) ║ Hierapolis - Phrygia
[151] Grave of a Judean Family Mentioning the People of the Judeans (161-200 CE) ║ Hierapolis - Phrygia
[152] Grave of Glykon with Bequest to Purple-Dyers and Carpet-Weavers (161-250 CE) ║ Hierapolis - Phrygia
Grave of Menandrianos with Bequest to Linen-workers and Weapon-fans (ca. 180-250 CE) ║ Hierapolis - Phrygia
[153] Honors by the Sanhedrin of Romans and Other Groups for Apollonides (pre-212 CE) ║ Hierapolis - Phrygia
Posthumous Honors by Romans and Greeks for Q. Pomponius Flaccus (I-II CE) ║ Laodikeia on the Lykos - Phrygia
Membership List of Temenitai Devoted to Agathe Tyche, Apollo and Hermes (190/189 BCE) ║ Miletos - Ionia
[204] Honors by Civic Institutions and the Settlement of Romans for a Benefactor (post-127 CE) ║ Tralles - Caria
[220] Honorary Decree of Milesians for Aristeas (153-154 CE) ║ Aigiale on Amorgos - Southwestern islands
[221] Story Concerning a Temple for the Egyptian God Sarapis (ca. 200 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors (frag.) by a Synod of Egyptian Immigrants for Benefactors (200-166 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
[222a] Honors by Israelites for Menippos of Herakleia (ca. 250-175 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication of a Monument Architrave by Italian Hermaists (?) (after 166 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication (frag.) of an Architrave by Italian Hermaists (?) (after 166 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors (frag.) by Athenians, Romans, and Merchants for Dionysios (after 166 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
[223] Honorary Decree of Tyrian Immigrants for a Member and Priest (153-152 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
[225] Dedication of a Statue Group of Aphrodite and Pan by a Berytian Immigrant (153-88 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication to Ancestral Deities by the Berytian Dionysios son of Zenon (153-88 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication of a Statue (?) Base by the Berytian Dionysios son of Zenon (153-88 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication of a Base by Dionysios son of Zenodoros for Berytians (?) (153-88 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Berytians for Two Benefactors with a Dedication of an Exedra (153-88 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
[224] Honors by Berytian Poseidoniasts for Minatius the Roman Banker (ca. 150 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication to Ancestral Deities of Building and Stoa by Berytians (150-110 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication of a Temple to Mercury and Maia by Italian Hermaists (ca. 140 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
[229] Renovation of a Temple for the Pure Goddess by Syrians (200-166 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
[230] Honors by Alexandrians for a Ptolemaic Governor of Cyprus (post-127 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Athenians, Romans, and Foreigners for Theophrastos (126/125 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Merchants, Shippers, and Foreigners for Theophrastos (126/125 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Athenians, Romans, Merchants and Shippers for Menophilos (124/123 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Romans, Merchants, and Shippers for Thrasippos (124/123 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Romans, Greeks, Merchants, and Shippers for Aropos (94/93 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Athenians, Romans, and Foreigners for an Island Supervisor (123 or 101 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors (frag.) by Athenians, Romans, and Foreigners for an Island Supervisor (before 118/117 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication of a Temple to Syrian Pure Aphrodite for Therapeutists (118/117 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication of Renovations for Egyptian Deities by a Melanephorian (112/111 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication of Arches to Syrian Pure Aphrodite by a Priest and Therapeutists (112/111 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Athenians, Romans, and Other Greeks for Dionysios (110/109 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication of a Shrine and Oracle to the Syrian Pure Goddess for Therapeutists (110/109 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication of Architraves for Therapeutists of the Syrian Pure Goddess (110/109 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Greeks and Italians for the Quaestor L. Cornelius Lentulus (after 110 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedications to Apollo and the Italians by Aulus Nouius (after 110 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication of a Throne to Syrian Pure Aphrodite for Therapeutists (107/106 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication (frag.) to the Syrian Pure Goddess by Therapeutists (105/104 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication of a Bench for Italians by Midas son of Zenon (ca. 105 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Athenians, Romans, and Other Greeks for the Priest Ammonios (103-101 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication for Apollo and the Italians by Philostratos the Banker (1) (ca. 100 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication for Apollo and the Italians by Philostratos the Banker (2) (ca. 100 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors (frag.) by Italian and Greek Businessmen for the Banker Gerillanus (ca. 100 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Romans, Merchants, and Shippers for the Banker Gerillanus (ca. 100 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Romans, Merchants and Workers for Lucius Aufidius (ca. 100 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication (frag.) of Altars and a Clock for Egyptian Deities by a Melanephorian (ca. 100 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Italian Businessmen from Alexandria for the Legate Gaius Marius (99 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication of a Candle-holder to Syrian Pure Aphrodite by Therapeutists [1] (96/95 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication (frag.) of a Candle-holder to Syrian Pure Aphrodite by Therapeutists [2] (ca. 96 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Romans, Greeks, Merchants, and Shippers for Aropos (ca. 96/5 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Greek and Italian Businessmen for L. Munatius Plancus (ca. 88 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Romans, Greeks, Merchants, and Shippers for Manlius (85-78 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Romans, Greeks, Merchants, and Shippers for Manius (85-78 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Greek and Italian Businessmen for Aulus Terentius Varro (ca. 82 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honors by Romans, Greeks, Merchants, and Shippers for Asklepiades (ca. 70 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Grave (frag.) of a Phoenician with Mention of Society-members (ca. 300 BCE) ║ Rheneia - Southwestern islands
[244] Decree of Syrian Immigrants Devoted to Atargatis (late III-II BCE) ║ Astypalaia - Southeastern islands
Honors by Herakleians and by Dushara-devotees (?) for a Man (undated) ║ Chalke - Southeastern islands
Honors by Cilician Soldiers for Governor Seleukos (?) (142-131 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Lycians for the Daughter (?) of Governor Lochos (127-124 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors by Cilician Soldiers for Governor Theodoros (123-118 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Ionian Soldiers for Governor Theodoros (123-118 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors by Lycian Soldiers for Governor Theodoros (123-118 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Lycian Soldiers for the wife of Governor Theodoros (123-118 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Lycian Soldiers for the Son of Governor Theodoros (123-118 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Ionian Soldiers for Governor Theodoros (?) (123-118 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors by Cilician Soldiers for Governor Helenos (114-107 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honorary Decree by Dionysiac Performers for Isodoros (114-106 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors by Roman Businessmen for Koan Citizens and Julius Caesar (44 BCE) ║ Kos - Southeastern islands
[246] Honors by Associations for a Civic Priest of the Augusti (imperial era) ║ Nisyros - Southeastern islands
Dedication of a Common Grave by a Mixed Immigrant Group (185 BCE) ║ Ialysos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors by an Association for an Ephesian Benefactor (undated) ║ Kamiros on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
[251] Honors by Numerous Associations for a Priest (ca. 125-100 BCE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors by Associations for Nikassa the Priestess and Her Son (10 CE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Associations for Lapheides the Priest (10 CE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Grave of Hephaistion from Antioch Prepared by Meniasts (undated) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
List of Contributors to a Building Project Led by Xouthos of Antioch (ca. 195 BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
[257] Victories in Contests of Tribes within an Immigrant Association (200-150 BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) for a Man from Kyzikos Regarding Donation of Vineyards to an Association (ca. 100 BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Decrees by Zenon About Burial Plots for Aphrodisiasts (II BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors by Samothraciasts and Others for a Soldier (100-50 BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Funerary Honors by Samothraciasts and Others for Moschion (I BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
List of Contributions (frag.) by a Mixed Group of Immigrants [1] (I BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
List of Contributions (frag.) by a Mixed Group of Immigrants [2] (I BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honours (frag.) by Cretans and Others for an Athlete (27 BCE-14 CE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Funerary Honors by Athenaists for Isodoros of Antioch (undated) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Funerary Honors by an Association for Damas the Lydian (undated) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by the Aphrodisiasts (?) for a Memphite (undated) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
[272] Painted Grave of Hekataios the Soldier from Thyatira (early II BCE) ║ Sidon - Syria and Phoenicia
Dedication of a Banqueting Hall to the God Aphlad by an Association (54 CE) ║ Doura Europos - Mesopotamia
Dedication to Apollo (Qos) and Zeus by an Association of Idumeans (ca. 150 BCE)) ║ Memphis - Delta region
Dedication to Zeus and Athena by a Corporate Body of Cilicians (III-I BCE) ║ Arsinoe-Krokodilopolis - Fayum region
Loan Agreement between the Judeans Apollonios and Sostratos (182 BCE) ║ Krokodilopolis - Fayum region
Register of Loan Agreement (frag.) between the Judeans Mousaios and Lasaites (228-221 BCE) ║ Tebtynis - Fayum region
Letters Concerning Asklepiades and a Corporate Body of Cretan Soldiers (145 BCE) ║ Tebtynis - Fayum region
Record of Contributions (frag.) to a Judean Banqueting Association (I BCE) ║ Apollonopolis Magna - Upper Egypt
Archive of Petitions and Letters Concerning a Corporate Body of Judeans (144-132 BCE) ║ Herakleopolis - Upper Egypt
Dedications to Apollo (Qos) by a Corporate Body of Idumean and other soldiers (79-78 BCE) ║ Hermoupolis Magna - Upper Egypt
[324] Dedication to the Goddess Kore for a Group of Immigrants from Sardis (late II-III CE) ║ Rome - Latium