Prusa by Olympos (Bithynia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), II CE
IPrusaOlymp 17–18
= IHadrianoi 51–52
= PHI 278508
= AGRW ID# 16298
To good fortune! T. Avianius Arrianus, the friend (philos), honoured P. Avianius Valerius son of Lysimachos, philosopher, according to the decree of the Council and the People (dēmos).
To good fortune! Avianius Apollonios, philosopher, honoured T. Avianius Bassos Polyainos, Stoic philosopher, according to the decree of the city of the Hadrianoi by Olympos. … He set this up (?) … for his own friend (philos) from his own resources.
Translation by: Harland
vac. ἀγαθῆι vac. τύχηι· ǀ κατὰ δόγμα τῆς βουλῆς ǀ καὶ τοῦ δήμου Π. Ἀβιάνιǀον Βαλέριον Λυσιμάǀǀχου υἱὸν φιλόσοφον ǀ τὸν φιλόπολιν Τ. ǀ Ἀβιάνιος Ἀρριανὸς ǀ τὸν φίλον.
vac. ἀγαθῆι τύχηι· vac. ǀ Τ. Ἀουιάνιον Βᾶσσον ǀ Πολύαινον στωϊκὸν φ[ι]ǀλόσοφον Ἀουιάνιος Ἀǀǀπολλώνιος φιλόσοφος ǀ κατὰ τὸ δόγμα τῆς πόǀλεως τῆς Ἁδριανῶν ǀ τῶν πρὸς τῶι Ὀλύ[μπωι] ǀ τὸν ἑαυτοῦ φί[λον] ǀǀ [ἐκ τ]ῶν ἰδίων [ἀνέστη]ǀσεν. vac.
Item added: February 7, 2015
Item modified: March 5, 2016
ID number: 16298
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