Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Grave of Stratoneikos Involving Associations (II-III CE) Notion - Ionia

Notion (Ionia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), II-III CE
Kearsley, Greeks and Romans in Imperial Asia (IGSK, 59; Bonn: Habelt, 2001), 59-60 (no. 83) = PHI 251938 = AGRW ID# 8808


Slab of marble broken at the top and bottom on the right side, reused in paving at the entrance of a mosque at Çakaltepe (73 x 48 x 14-19 cm). It is not certain whether this inscription originated in Kotion (a port for Kolophon); it may also be from Ephesos, where similar associations are attested. For associations of overseers and record-keepers in the imperial family, see IEph 2200A on this site. It is likely that the groups or associations of workers mentioned are responsible for protecting the tomb.

Stratoneikos, house-born slave and record-keeper (tabellarius), prepared this tomb for himself, for Plousia, his wife, for his children Stratoneike and Onesise, and for their children. Entering into the tomb, the left area is for the children and the right areas are for my foster-brothers, Alexandros and Karpophoros, and — opposite this — for myself and my wife.   No one should touch this funerary chamber, nor damage this tomb.  The overseers (dekatarchoi = decuriones [?]) , the record-keepers (tabellarii), and the . . . clerks (notarii [?]) . . . (remaining three lines largely illegible).

Translation by: Harland

[τοῦτο τὸ ἡρῷον κατεσκεύα]|[σ]εν ἐκ θεμελίων Στρα|τόνεικος βέρνας ταβελ|λάριος ἑαυτῷ καὶ Πλουσί||ᾳ τῇ συνβίῳ καὶ τοῖς τέ|κνοις Στρατονείκῃ καὶ Ὀ|νησίσῃ καὶ τούτων τέ|κνοις. εἰσερχομένων | μὲν εἰς τὸ ἡρῷον, εὐωνύ||μῳ τοῖς τέκνοις, ἐν δὲ | τοῖς δεξιοῖς ἐχαρισάμην | πυρίαν τοῖς συντρό|φοις μου Ἀλεξάνδρῳ | καὶ Καρ[ποφ]όρῳ, καὶ ἔναν||τι δὲ ἑαυτῷ καὶ τῇ συνβίῳ | ἧς πυρίας οὐ[δεὶς] ἅψεται οὐ|δὲ εἰς ἔ[κλ]υσιν τοῦ | ἡρῴου τού<του>. οἱ δεκάταρ|χοι καὶ ταβελλάριοι καὶ νο||[τάριοι — — —]ΤΟ[․]ΔΕ | [— — —]ΠΙΟΥ[— — —] | [— — —]ΟΙΣ[— — —]

Item added: December 29, 2012
Item modified: December 8, 2015
ID number: 8808
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