Pantikapaion area [Ilouraton] (Bosporan region, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), 100-150 CE
IBosp 967
= PHI 183700
= AGRW ID# 7725
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1303
Fragment of a slab of limestone (52 x 58 x 15 cm). Now in Kerch Historical and Archaeological Museum (inv. КЛ-259). Ilouraton (Iluratum) was located southwest of Pantikapaion. If this is a grave erected by a synod, then this is another instance of fictive brother language in the associations of the Bosporan region (see IBosp 104 = AGRW 88 from Pantikapaion).
. . . set up the monument (stele) in memory of their own brother Matridoros. Farewell!
Translation by: Harland[— — —]ο̣υσαν τῷ ἰδ[ίῳ]|[ἀ]δε{λ}φῷ Ματρι|δώρῳ στήλην|μνήμης χάριν, || χαίρ{ε}ται {χαίρετε}.
Item added: December 12, 2012
Item modified: October 1, 2020
ID number: 7725
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