Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Dedication of a Temple by a Brotherhood (ca. 200 CE) Takina (?) - Pisidia

Takina (?) (Pisidia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), ca. 200 CE
G. Labarre, M. Özsait, N. Özsait, Anatolia Antiqua 18 (2010) 74-77 = T. Corsten, Gephyra 8 (2011) 135-140 = SEG 60 (2010), no. 1497 = AGRW ID# 24311


Block of limestone built into a wall of a coffeehouse at Sazak.

Decision (or: document) of Zeus Heliopolites: Anthos son of Ligys the manager (oikonomos), Menis son of Kabalos, Salvus son of Artas, Athenagoras son of Menandros, Apollonios son of Menestrates, Eutaktos son of Ligys the manager, Chares son of Asklepides, Dionysios son of Menestheus, Hymnos son of Istates (?), Tertios son of Tertios, Menestheus son of Dionysios, Phlogios son of Antiochos, Papos son of Menis, Tatas son of Papas, Artas son of Salvus, Krateros son of Menis, Salvius son of Menipos (sic), Timogenes son of Eutaktos, Chares son of Menis, and Xenon son of Hermokrates dedicated this for the salvation of Ligys, his wife, and his children.  The brotherhood (phratra) listed above made the temple (naos).  Zosimos son of Apollonios . . . (remainder lost).

Translation by: Harland

Ὑπογραφὴ Διὸς Ἡλιοπολίτου· Ἄνθος | Λίγυος οἰκονόμος, Μῆνις Καβαλος, | Σάλυος Ἀρτάδος, Ἀθηναγ̣όρας Με|νάνδρου, Ἀπολλώνιος Μενεστράτου, || Εὔτακτος Λίγυος οἰκονόμος, Χάρης | Ἀσκ̣ληπίδου, Διονύσιος Μενεσθέος, | Ὕμνος Ἰστάτου (?), Τέρτιος Τερτίου, Μεν|εσθεὺς Διονυσίου, Φλ̣όγιος Ἀντιόχου, || Παπως Μήνιδος, Τατας Παπου, Ἀρτᾶς Σαλύου, | Κράτερος Μήνιδος, Σάλβιος Μενίπου, Τιμογ|ένης Εὐτάκτου, Χάρης Μήνιδος, Ξένων Ἑ|ρμοκράτου· ὑπὲρ τῆς σωτηρίας τῆς Λίγυος || καὶ γυνεκὸς καὶ τέκνων· τὸν ναὸν ἐπόησε | ἡ προγ̣ε̣γ̣ρ̣αμένη φράτρα· Ζώσιμος Ἀπολλωνίου̣ | ΚΑ̣ΠΙ̣ΟΝΕΜΕΥΣ[- - -]

Item added: May 12, 2016
Item modified: May 12, 2016
ID number: 24311
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