Saittai area [Maionia] (Lydia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 171/172 CE
TAM V 536
= ILydiaHoz 39.67
= PHI 263960
= AGRW ID# 1204
Copenhagen Inventory info: 306
According to the command of the gods, the sacred doumos–association orders that a vow to Zeus Masphalatenos, Men Tiamou, and Men Tyrannos (“the Ruler”) be observed after nine days. But if anyone does not obey, he will certainly know the power of Zeus. (10) Dionysios son of Diodoros and Hermogenes son of Valerius were supervising. Year 256 of the Sullan era, month of Dystros.
Translation by: Harland
TAM V 536: Monument with a relief of two gods, likely Men Tiamou and Men Tyrannos.
Drawing from Salomon Reinach and Philippe Le Bas, Voyage archéologique en Grèce et en Asie Mineure (Paris: Firmin-Didot et Cie, 1888), plate 136 I.
Public domain.

TAM V 536: Keppel’s drawing, incorrectly depicting the second figure as a woman. Drawing from George Keppel, Narrative of a Journey Across the Balcan (London, 1831) 2:351.
Public domain.
Item added: December 3, 2011
Item modified: October 9, 2020
ID number: 1204
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