Aphrodisias (Caria, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 200-210 CE
IAph 12.31
= PHI 257217
= AGRW ID# 11103
. . . son of Apollonios (?) . . . grandson of Athenagoras, who won the contest of the Lysimachean, Tatianean statue-makers (agalmatopoioi) with the statue of the first quadrennial festival. He put it up according to the decree of the Council and the People when Milon descendant of Milon for four generations and descendent of Hermias was director of contests.
Translation by: Harland
IAph 12.31: Squeeze by Gaudin.
© 2007 King’s College London.
(Reproduced under a Creative Commons license).
Item added: February 24, 2013
Item modified: December 10, 2015
ID number: 11103
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