Tebtynis (Fayum region, Egypt — Pleiades map), 161-169 CE
GRA III 236 =
PTebt II 287
= Papyri.info TM 13450
= AGRW ID# 31456
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1961
. . . in the xth year of Antoninus and Verus the Lords Augusti, the fullers (gnapheis) and dyers (bapheis) from the Arsinoite district (nome), having been summoned and having appeared.
Longinus, the advocate, said: “Of these men, some are fullers and other dyers by trade. For the tax on trades 192 drachmas are paid yearly by the fullers and 288 by the dyers according to tariff and custom. After a certain Maximus was appointed inspector (exetastēs) and wrongly entered a larger sum against them than was due, they appealed to the prefect (hēgemōn), who referred them to his excellency Crassus, the procurator (dioikētēs). The latter summoned the accountant (eklogistēs) of the district and ordered him to verify the accounts of the last twenty years. When he reported that no more had been paid than was sanctioned by the tariff, he decided that they should pay on this scale, and they have done so up to the present time. A certain supervisor (epitērētēs) of the tax upon trades has now been appointed, who wishes to demand from them a larger amount than that of the tariff, and they therefore petitioned the commander (stratēgos), adding a statement . . . . But as nothing was done by the commander they were obliged to appeal to you.”
Protarchos, the advocate, said: “. . . in accordance with the decision . . . a report on the subject was laid before his excellency, Liberalis, who made an endorsement that they should not be required to pay.”
Severianus said: “When the accountant is present, who also ordered . . . the accountant. . .
(second hand) I read it.
(first hand) . . . of the dyers and fullers from Arsinoites, once Hermias the accountant of Arsinoites was present.
Longinus, the advocate, said, “Yesterday, the men pleading their case met you . . . concerning what was incorrectly demanded of them by the superintendent of the tax upon trades and for . . . brought to his excellency, Liberalis. A memorandum was made not to demand any more from them . . . the exact instruction. We beg, therefore, the one here . . . Once Hermias read out the policy brought to Liberalis, Severianos said “. . . of the superintendent, to his excellency the chief-commander (epistratēgos). . .
(second hand) I read it.
Translation by: Mark Mueller (with modifications)Item added: July 10, 2020
Item modified: July 17, 2020
ID number: 31456
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