Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Gold Leaf Mentioning Societies of Initiates of Demeter and Mother Oreia (300 BCE) Pherai - Thessaly

Pherai (Thessaly, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), 300 BCE
Alberto Bernabé, "Some Thoughts about the ‘New’ Gold Tablet from Pherai," ZPE 166 (2008) 53–58 = Maria Stamatopoulou and Robert Parker, “A New Funerary Gold Leaf from Pherai,” Archaeologike Ephemeris (2004) 1–32 = Franco Ferrari and Lucia Prauscello, "Demeter Chthonia and the Mountain Mother in a New Gold Tablet from Magoula Mati," ZPE 162 (2007) 193–202 = SEG 55:612 = PHI 333523 = AGRW ID# 16313


Oblong rectangular gold leaf with an inscription in verse (broken at the right end). Found in a marble repository in a grave. This is one among the gold leaves or tablets that provide instruction to the deceased with respect to the underworld.

Send me towards the societies (thiasoi) of initiates (mystai).  I have the secret rites … and the initiations of Demeter Chthonia and of the Mountain Oreia Mother.

Translation by: Harland

πέμπε με πρὸς μυστῶ<ν> θιάσους· ἔχω ὄργια [— —] ǀ Δήμητρος Χθονίας <τε> τέλη καὶ Μητρὸς Ὀρεί[ας].

Item added: February 7, 2015
Item modified: January 19, 2016
ID number: 16313
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