Aphrodito village (Upper Egypt, Egypt — Pleiades map), 538 CE (January 23)
GRA III 285 =
SB III 6704
= BL X 186
= Papyri.info TM 18825
= AGRW ID# 31559
After the consulship of the most distinguished Flavius Belisarius, on the 28th of Tybi, first indiction. To the Flavii Hermauos son of Abraamis and Anouphios son of Horos, presidents (kephalaiotai), and to our guild (homotechnē) from the village of Aphrodito in the Antaiopolitan district (nome), the association (koinotēs) of fishermen (agreutai) who belong to the distinguished house of the same village of Aphrodito, whose names are subscribed below – both those who can write and on behalf of those who cannot, greetings. We acknowledge by common consent and by means of this secured agreement, free from violence, coercion, and robbery, voluntarily, and convinced that your presidency over us (10) should last as long as the most illustrious landowner desired it, from today and the aforementioned days, which is the 28th of Tybi of the current first indiction. And that we obey you in all good works that are pleasing to God and man, eagerly in the traditional and ancestral manner, with regard to all obligations that come from the agreements and custom, and according to the agreement we have here with the same landowner, whereby we all take the responsibility in equal parts for fair settlement.
If one of us marries, he shall give two jars (angia) of wine, but if the wife is the daughter of one of us, let him give a jar of wine. But if any one of us . . . wants in secret, he shall present . . . Whoever receives the price of a light boat and we have someone who wants to buy this boat . . . if he (?) sells another boat to the same man in violation of the wishes of the first person, he will pay a fine. Whoever has stolen a boat like a bandit, if it was in the water he will pay a gold trimesion (= aureus), but if it is found in his possession in the . . . fine . . . whoever comes to come to an agreement with whoever of us . . . for the tax that has been assessed . . . all the public charges and the expenses . . . from us . . . give yearly . . . contribute in accordance with custom. Whoever agrees (?) to come to legal agreements (?).
Translation by: KloppenborgItem added: July 17, 2020
Item modified: July 17, 2020
ID number: 31559
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