Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Regulations of an Association Devoted to Horos of Behedet (223 BCE) Pisais - Fayum region

Pisais (Fayum region, Egypt — Pleiades map), 17 March-15 April 223 BCE
GRA III 188 = PLilleDem 29 = AGRW ID# 31071
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1689


Papyrus (33 x 39 cm) in eight fragments, from cartonnage. Now in the Institut de Papyrologie at the Sorbonne (inv. 186-188)

During the month of Mecheir in the 24th year of King Ptolemy, living eternally, son of Ptolemy and Arsinoe, the Brother gods, the priests of Alexander, the Brother Gods, the Benefactor gods, and the basket-bearer (kanēphoros) . . . of Arsinoe Philadelphos (?) . . . being those who are inscribed in Alexandria.

Copy of the regulations that the members of the association of the temple of Horos of Behedet have adopted to apply in the village of Sebeck Pisai in the division of Themistos, on the southern branch of the canal (Moeris) in the Arsinoite district (nome):

We all agree.  We are in agreement to apply in the location named above. We shall deliver . . . shares (?). . ., resin, salt, ointment, crowns, incense, thyme (?) and beer or wine. We will hold an assembly in the temple of the above-named village on the days that those of the “house” have fixed as the meeting days, beginning in . . . year 24 in the month of (?) . . . Mecheir, until year 25 in the month of Mecheir on the 30th day, which makes one year, 12 months and 1/6 of a month, in addition to the feast days that those of the “house” have determined as the days meeting days.  We agree. . . .  We (?) . . . that they agree that we will do during the period mentioned above.  We shall offer whole burnt offerings and offerings for King Ptolemy son of Ptolemy and Berenice the queen and for Arsinoe, for the Brother gods, and the Benefactor gods . . . all the gods of Egypt who are in the association. We shall contribute one kite . . . one half being (?) one half kite, making one kite . . . for our (?) . . . membership fee during the period mentioned above, when it comes due and . . . each month and . . . of the contribution for the functions when they come due each month, giving them to the representative of the “house” who the leaders of the “house” . . . choose (?) to manage the expenses for the divine processions of the temple named below.

We will establish a day for the contributions of shares and of resin and salt for the “house” during the period mentioned above.  We shall give the shares for the gods, the . . . who are in the “house” to . . . on the day of the contributions which the leaders of the “House” have decided to establish.

If one of us is told to contribute on the day of the contribution and does not pay, his fine will be two kites, and we will prosecute him on the day of contribution, unless he is . . . ill or in prison or on trial (?) . . . with the royal treasurer, if the trial is in his favour.  If one of us who is summoned to the meeting in the temple and . . .does not come when he is able to come (?), . . . if there is proof against him his fine will be half a kite.  Anyone of us who steals money, property or anything whatsoever from the interior (of the temple), if the case is proved against him, . . . his fine will be x and we will prosecute him (?) . . . so that he gives back the item that he has stolen.  His fine will be equal to the contribution of the day in question, absolutely and without delay.

Anyone of us who says . . . to another one of us, “you are a (?) . . .  leper,” when it is not true that he is a leper, his fine will be 8 kite. Anyone of us who . . . the wife of another of his colleagues, during the period mentioned above, . . . if it is proved against him, (?) . . . his fine will be 8 kite. Anyone of us who sows discord in the “house,” in regard to the day . . . of contributions (?) . . . and among us, his fine will be 1/2 1/5 of everything that come into the “House” on the day in question, absolutely and without delay.

We will go out to pull the (statue of the) falcon . . . on the days that (?) . . .  those of the “house” agree to pull the . . . god (?) . . . during the period mentioned above, marching together behind the “superior of the falcon” and the other “superiors” of the “house.” If anyone one of us does not come to pull the falcon when it is required to come, his fine will be one kite and a curse of the god will follow him.  We will escort the falcon . . . the “superior of the falcon,” and the other “superiors” of the “house” together.  If anyone of us does not participate in the escort when it is required to do so, his fine will be one kite and a curse of the god will follow him.

If anyone one of us insults the “superior general” of the falcon of the “house,” his fine will be 8 kite if the case is proved against him.  . . . If anyone hits the superior (?) . . . general of the falcon of the “house,” if the case is proved against him, the fine will be 8 kite.  If the superior of the falcon insults another his fine will be . . . x (?) . . . deben, or if he hits him, his fine will be one deben. If a novice insults his colleague, his fine will be 2 kite.  If a novice hits his colleague, his fine will be . . . kite.  If one of us finds a member who is involved in a trial and evades his responsibilities to him, and offers testimony against him, if the case is proved against him, his fine shall be 4 kite.

If one of us is unjustly arrested, without the (appeal to the) altar of . . . the king or the divine temple (?) . . . we will ensure that the representative of the “house” levies ration of food for him that he will receive every day of his imprisonment until the god pardons him (?).  We will offer testimony in the trial, all of us, and we will appeal for him, up to 10 days.  If we are able to obtain his release, we will obtain his release. If anyone of us is . . . ill (?) . . . or in prison or has taken refuge in the temple of the god, or in a place of supplication, or has been arrested as the object of a pledge during the period mentioned above, we will ensure that the representative of the “house” comes to his assistance.  And whoever decided against him will have decided against us. If anyone of us should die in the village mentioned above during the period mentioned above we will go to the cemetery.  We will ensure that the representative . . . of the “house” (?) . . . provides for him 100 shares for mourning; 50 shares for the cost of his . . . embalming (?) . . . ; 25 shares for 35 days; and, 25 shares for his funeral banquet.  We will provide the money for him to the “House,” each giving 2 kite.   If any one of us does not escort (the body), . . . when he is able to do so (?), . . . if the case is proved against him, his fine will be half a kite. If any of us whose father, mother, brother, sister, father-in-law, or mother-in-law dies in the village mentioned above during the period mentioned above, we will come to escort him to the cemetery and we will arrange that the representative of the “house” provide for him . . . shares (?).  We will receive him personally at the “house” and we will drink and soothe his heart.

If any of us dies outside the village up to two schoine (i.e. about 20 km) to the south, to the north, to the east, and to the west, we will designate five men from the “house” and we will make sure that they will go looking for him to take him to the cemetary which is in the village mentioned above.  We will give shares for him, as written above. And all the other men will come from the “house” at the time. Those who are designated (?) among the five men mentioned above and who do not go when they are required to go looking (for him), their fine will be 4 kite.

If any of us, when the representative of the “house” goes to seize a surety for his fine, . . . in the house and if he harms him, either him or his agents, if the case is proved against him, his fine will be 6 kite. If any of use who makes a complaint against one of us with the military or police authorities without having first made the complaint before those of the “house,” his fine will be 2 kite.  If any of us makes a complaint against one of us before those of the “house,” to get justice . . . in a certain matter (?) . . . and who also makes a complaint to the military authorities, his fine will be 2 kite.  If any of us makes a complaint before those of the above-mentioned “House” and who has received a judgment in the matter, and who says, “I will take this matter to another association” because they did not do justice in this matter, if the judgment of the association in question is in accord with the judgment . . . of the other association (?), . . . his fine will be 4 kite.  If any of us is found with the wife of another, if it is proved against the latter, his fine will be 2 kite and we will move to exclude him from the “house.”  If any of us steals from another during the period mentioned above . . .  we will require him to return what was stolen and his fine will be equivalent to his day (?) obligatory (daily dues?) at that time.

If any of us evade the fulfilment of the above clauses, except that . . . his fine will be 3 debens, for the whole burnt offerings and the offerings to King Ptolemy, living eternally, son of Ptolemy and Queen Bernike, and Arsinoe, the Brother gods, . . . the Benefactor gods (?) . . . and we will ensure that it is in conformity with all the things written here during the period mentioned above, and obligatory at that time.  . . . We will act in conformity (?) with all the above clauses.  Our heart is satisfied. We will observe these by complying with fines and all the works mentioned above during the period mentioned above and in all the writings . . . and in addition decisions made by those who belong to the “house” during the period mentioned above.  We will observe . . . write . . .

Translation by: Kloppenborg

Demotic text not presented here.

Item added: March 31, 2020
Item modified: March 31, 2020
ID number: 31071
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