Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Regulation of the Ivory and Citrus-Wood Merchants (117-138 CE) Rome - Latium

Rome (Latium, Italy — Pleiades map), 117-138 CE
CIL VI 33885 = ILS 7214 = AGRW ID# 30532


Fragmentary marble tablet (52 x 59 cm) discovered in 1886 between Piazza San Callisto and Vicolo della Cisterna (southern Trastevere district). The entire first column is missing. Only a portion of the first line on the second column is preserved, but it seems to indicate that the patron, Julius Aelianus (otherwise unknown but perhaps an imperial freedman formerly owned by Hadrian), gave permission to the association to use a tetrastyle building as its meeting-place.

. . . Julius Aelianus . . . the permission of . . . the association’s (?) . . . tetrastyle meeting-place (schola) . . . of Augustus, . . . the association (?) . . . was brought together by the merchants (negotiantes) . . . of ivory and citrus wood (?) . . . gave to the . . . ivory-workers.

Likewise, it is resolved that if someone other than a merchant of ivory or citrus-wood, through deception of the overseers (curatores), has been admitted into this association (collegium), the overseers through whom this takes place should be erased from the membership list (album) and will stay away from the association (ordo). And it is resolved that the overseers should first report to the presidents (quinquennales) about the one whom they are about to enroll.

Moreover, it is resolved that on the 1st day of January, 5 denarii from our common chest (arca) . . . should be provided (?) . . . by the body of four overseers whose year it is, and cake, dates, figs, and pears . . .

Moreover, on the 24th day of January, the birthday of Hadrian Augustus, gifts (sportulae) of 5 denarii should be delivered, and it was agreed that bread, wine, and hot food should be served indiscriminately to those who will be present at the tetrastyle building for dining.

Likewise . . . on Julius Aelianus’ birthday, gifts of 3 denarii from the common chest should be distributed, and it was decided that bread, wine, and hot food should be served indiscriminately by the overseers to those who will be present at the tetrastyle building.

Likewise . . . on the birthday of Julius Flaccus, his (Julius Aelianus) son, gifts of 3 denarii from the common chest should be distributed, and it was decided that bread, wine, and hot food should be served indiscriminately by the overseers to those who are present at the tetrastyle building.

Likewise, it is resolved that . . . gifts of 3 denarii from the common chest should be given, and bread, wine, and hot food indiscriminately to those who will be present at the tetrastyle building.

Likewise, it is resolved that a fitting dinner should be given by the body of four overseers whose year it is on the 11th of August, the day of the Emperor Hadrian Augustus, . . . and gifts of 5 . . . denarii (?) . . . .

Moreover, it is resolved that . . . x denarii should be distributed to all . . . members (?) . . .  yearly.

In addition, four . . . members (?) . . . should be made overseers every year from the membership list in order.

Moreover, it is resolved that those whose year it is should take possession of all fees (commoda).

Every year, on the Kalends of . . . the overseers should divide in equal portions what remains over in the common chest of the association (corpus),  or if they bring in anything late, one-percent should be handed over by the overseers each month.

Moreover, it is resolved that recruits should not preside on the same year and the costs should be paid equally by both . . .  In addition, it is resolved that whoever is appointed to the office should bring to the common chest . . . x denarii.

Translation by: Richard Last

[--- Iulius] Aelianus ius scholae tetrastyli | [---] Aug(usti) quo conveniretur a negotiantibus | [---] eborarìs dedit. | [Item] placere, ut si alius quam negotiator eborárius aut cìtriarius [p]er || [fr]audem curatorum in hoc collegium adlectus esset, utì curatores eius | [cau]sa ex albo raderentur ab órdine. Debebunt utique curatores de eo | [que]m adlecturi fuerint, ante ad quinq(uennales) re[fe]rre. [Placere] item uti K(alendis) Ian(uariis) strenuam ((denarii)) V ex arca n̅(ostra) a curatóribus n̅(umero) I̅I̅I̅I̅ sui cuiusq(ue) | [anni et m]ustacium et palma et carica et pir[a ---]osch[---. Item] V̅I̅I̅I̅[I̅ Kal(endis)] Febr(uariis) || [natali Ha]driani Aug(usti) sportulae darentur ((denarii)) V, et a curatorib(us) praestari pl[a]c(uit) | [panem et] vin[um et] caldam passive iìs, qui ad tetrastylum epulati fuerint. | [Item --- natali] Ịuli Aeliani sportulae ex arca darentur ((denarii)) I̅I̅I̅ et a cur(atoribus) | [panem et vinum et caldam pas]sive praestari placuit iìs qui ad tetrastylum epulati | [fuerint. Item --- natali I]uli Flacci fili sportulae ex arca darentur ((denarii)) I̅I̅I̅ et a curatorib(us) || [panem et vinum et caldam passiv]e praestari placuit iìs qui ad tetrastylum epulati fuerint. [Item uti ---] sport(ulae) ex arc(a) darentur ((denarii)) I̅I̅I̅ et pan(is) et vin(um) et cald(a) passive iìs |[qui ad tetrastylum epulati] fuerint. Ìtem placere uti cena rec[ta] I̅I̅I̅ Idus Aug(ustas) die imperì | [Hadriani Aug(usti) ---]V[---] sport[ulae] darentur a curat(oribus) n̅(umero) I̅I̅I̅I̅ sui cuiusq(ue) anni. |[Item placere ---]a ((denarii)) [---] omnibus annis divideretur. Ìtem | [curatores quaterni omnibus] annis fierent ex albo per ordinem. Ìtem placere || [---]t sui anni commoda cuncta acciperent. | [Singulis annis Kalend(is) --- quod supere]sset in arca corporis, curatores dividerent aequìs | [portionibus aut si quid tardius] inferrent centesim(is) datis a curatorib(us) sing(ulis) | [mensibus ---]. Item placere uti adlect[i ---] ne eod(em) anno praestarent | [et pariter sumpt]us ab utrisq(ue) erogentur [---]. Ìtem placere [uti] || [quisquis adlectus e]sset, inferret arcae ((denarios)) [---].

Item added: April 29, 2020
Item modified: October 1, 2023
ID number: 30532
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