Apollonopolis Magna (Upper Egypt, Egypt — Pleiades map), I BCE
GRA III 251 =
CPJ I 139
= BL VIII 516
= OEdfou III 368
= Papyri.info TM 58442
= AGRW ID# 31485
Ostrakon (pottery fragment used for writing). The presence of two clearly Judean or Semitic names (one of which is designated a priest), Josepos and Sephthais, suggest that this may be a Judean dining-club (see CPJ).
15th: Third banquet: Theuxos (?; or, perhaps “society” [thiasos] ?). . ., Lysimachos the sage (sophos), Sephthais the prosecutor (?) (enagōgos), Josepos the priest (hiereus), . . . making 1000.
16th: Fourth banquet: Themas (followed by isotont, meaning unclear), Josepos the priest, Teuphilos . . . the contributions . . .
Translation by: Rebecca Runesson (with modifications)ιε̣ τρίτη πόσι̣ς̣ | Θευξου[ ̣ ̣ ̣] | Λυσίμαχος σο[φός(?)] | Σεφθάϊς ἐνα(γωγὸς) ε[ -ca.?- ] || Ἰώσηπος ἱερεὺ(ς) εν[ -ca.?- ] | (γίνονται) Α | ιϛ τετάρτη πόσις | Θημᾶς ισοτοντ ̣[ -ca.?- ] | Ἰώσηπος ἱερε(ὺς) [ -ca.?- ] || Τεύφιλος τ[ -ca.?- ] | τὰ ἐπὶ δόμ[α -ca.?- ] | [ ̣ ̣] ̣ας φ | φ.
Item added: July 15, 2020
Item modified: July 15, 2020
ID number: 31485
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