Alexandria (Delta region, Egypt — Pleiades map), 120 CE
IAlexandriaK 24
= SB V 8757
= SEG 2 (1924), no. 848
= PHI 227111
= AGRW ID# 20522
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1492
To good fortune. Copy of the records of Marcius Moisiakos who is in charge of the special account: Year 5 of Hadrian Caesar, the Lord, 27th of Thoth. Ulpius son of Potamon and those together with him from the corporate body (politeuma) of Lycians are saying–in the presence of the secretary Dionysios from the village secretary-office . . . of Mareotian district–that the guardianship of cemeteries belongs to them (missing about ten letters) . . . and not as it should. By Dionysios the secretary who is present . . . (missing about 15 letters) to instruct them and. . . (remainder lost).
Translation by: HarlandItem added: December 16, 2015
Item modified: May 26, 2021
ID number: 20522
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