Unknown (Unknown, Egypt), 78 BCE (August 22), or, less likely, 49 BCE (August 14) or 27 BCE (August 9)
GRA III 287 =
PRyl IV 580
= Papyri.info TM 5299
= AGRW ID# 31563
Copenhagen Inventory info: 671
Proof of a burial benefit, year 3 on the 15th of Mesore: Herakleides . . . drachmas. 100, making 100 drachmas for . . . the proof . . . of the 26th division and . . . . (second hand) Year 3 on the 15th of Mesore: I, Herakleides . . . have left the burial amount (taphikon) that belongs to me in the synod (synodos) of soldiers (systratiōtai), whose president (prostatēs) is Epiphanes son of . . . This is valued at 100 silver drachmas, to whoever bears this proof . . . (third hand) Epiphanes, the president. I, Apion the secretary, have confirmed this.
Translation by: Mark Mueller (with modifications)Item added: July 17, 2020
Item modified: July 17, 2020
ID number: 31563
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