Oxyrhynchos (Upper Egypt, Egypt — Pleiades map), ca. 338 CE
GRA III 282 =
= ZPE 39 (1980) 124–125 (ph.)
= Papyri.info TM 20030
= AGRW ID# 31552
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1423
. . . From (?) . . . the Oxyrhynchite . . . association (koinon) (?) . . . of pork-butchers (choiromageiroi) of the same city, through Artemidoros and Eulogios and their partners. We make this declaration, subject to punishment, of the list of registered prices that we have recorded of those goods that were purchased for this month, and swear an oath by the divinity that we have also not falsified anything. The account is as follows: 1 litra of pork meat, worth 1 talent (second hand) 1,900 denaria (first hand). During the above-mentioned consulship on the 20th of Hathyr. (second hand) We, Aurelius Eulogios and Artemidoros, declare as stated above. I, Theon, have written this because they are illiterate.
(column 2) (first hand) . . . of the fish . . . dealers (ichthyopōlai) (?) . . . of the same city, through Hierax. We make this declaration, subject to punishment, of the list of registered prices that we have recorded of those goods that were purchased for this month, and we swear an oath by the divinity that we have not falsified anything. The account is as follows: various fish: (second hand) 1 talent (first hand) 1 litra, 1,000 denarii . . . During the aforementioned consulship on the 30th of Hathyr. (second hand) I, Aurelius Hierax make a declaration . . . as above. I, Theon, (?) . . . wrote this for him . . . because he is illiterate (?).
Translation by: Kloppenborg{column 2} {hand 1} τ̣ῶ̣ν̣ ἰ̣χ̣θ̣[υοπωλῶν τῆς] ([ἁλιέων τῆς]) | αὐτῆς πόλεως [διὰ] | Ἱέρακος. || προσφωνοῦμε[ν] | ἰδίῳ τιμήματι [τὴν] | ἑξῆς ἐγγεγραμμ[ένην] | τιμὴν ὧν χιρίζ̣ο̣|μεν (χειρίζο|μεν) ὠνίων εἶ[ναι] || ἐπὶ τοῦδε τοῦ μη(νός), [καὶ] | ὀμνύομεν τὸν θε[ῖον] | ὅρκον μηδὲν διεψ[εῦσθαι]. | ἐστὶ δέ· | ἰ(ϊχθυων)χθύων παντοίω[ν] || (hand 2) τάλ(αντον) α [ -ca.?- ] | (hand 1) λί(τρας) α (δηνάρια) (hand 2) Α(λί(τραι) μ(υριὰς)) [ -ca.?- ] | ὑπατείας τῆς π[ροκ(ειμένης)], | Ἁθὺρ λ | —— | (hand 2) Αὐρήλιος Ἱέρ[αξ] || πρ(οσ)φωνῶ ὡς πρ[όκ(ειται). Θέων (ὁ δεῖνα)] | ἐγραψαψα (ἔγραψα) ὑπ(ὲρ) αὐτ[οῦ γρά(μματα) μὴ εἰδ(ότος)].
Item added: July 17, 2020
Item modified: July 17, 2020
ID number: 31552
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