Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Funerary Honors by Aphrodisiasts and Panathenaists for a Couple (undated) Chalke - Southeastern islands

Chalke (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), Undated
IG XII,1 962 = PHI 139514 = AGRW ID# 15141
Copenhagen Inventory info: 2008


Block decorated with crowns. It is possible that this is a funerary inscription, in which case these honors are posthumous.

(a) Of Kartia, wife of Anaxis, and of Agathoboulos.  She was crowned by the Chalkians with olive and gold.

(b) . . . Of Agathoboulos son of Name (?) . . .  of Pladasis.  He was crowned by the Aphrodite-devotees (Aphrodisiastai).

(c) . . .  by the celebrators of the Panathenaia festival (Panathenaistai).

Translation by: Harland

{a.1} Καρτ[ί]α<ς> Ἀν[άξι]δος | γυ[ναι]κὸς δὲ | Ἀγαθοβούλου {two crowns} | οἷς ἐστεφανώθη ὑπὸ | Χαλκητᾶν, θαλλοῦ καὶ χρυσέωι.

{b.1} [Ἀγαθοβούλου] | [τοῦ δεῖνος(?)] | Πλαδασέως {crown} | οἷς ἐστεφανώθη ὑπὸ | Ἀφροδεισιαστᾶν.

{c.1} ὑπὸ Παναθη|ναϊστᾶν.

Item added: March 6, 2015
Item modified: December 18, 2020
ID number: 15141
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