Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Funerary Honors by Zeus-Soteriasts for a Couple (I BCE) Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands

Rhodos on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), I BCE
ILindos 683 = PHI 191413 = AGRW ID# 15087
Copenhagen Inventory info: 2049


Rectangular base for a cylindrical funerary altar found in a garden in Rhodos (16 x 64 x 64 cm). The group was devoted to Zeus Soter, or Savior Zeus. The husband is identified as being of Bargylia, likely the town of that name in Caria. The wife is identified as being of Maiotis, likely referring to the region to the east of lake Maiotis (the Sea of Azov), north of the Black Sea (in the Bosporan region).

(column 1) Chysippos of Bargylia (in Caria), who has been honored by the association (koinon) of devotees of Zeus Soter (“Savior”) with a gold crown and the title of benefactor (euergasiai), (column 2) and his wife Akakias of Maiotis.  Farewell, good people!

Translation by: Harland

{column 1, line 1} [Χ]ρύσ<ι>ππος Βαργυλιήτας | τιμαθεὶς ὑπὸ | Διοσσωτηριαστᾶν κοινοῦ | χρυσέωι στεφάνωι καὶ εὐεργ̣εσίαι || {column 2, line 5} κ̣αὶ τᾶς γυναικὸς | Ἀκακίας | Μαιώτιδος | χρηστοὶ χαίρετε.

Item added: March 8, 2015
Item modified: March 17, 2021
ID number: 15087
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