Rome (Latium, Italy — Pleiades map), 70-200 CE
CIL VI 9053
= ILS 1777
= AGRW ID# 24410
Marble stone. Now in the Archaeological Civic Museum (MCA) in Bologna. This is one of the relatively few extant Latin inscriptions attesting to a formula resembling Paul's phrase, ἡ κατ’ οἶκον αὐτόν ἐκκλησία (Phlm 2; 1 Cor 16:19; Rom 16:5).
The association (collegium) of tentmakers that is from the imperial house of freedmen and slaves.
Translation by: Richard LastEx domo Caesarum | libertor(um) et servor(um) | quod est collegi(um) | tabernac(u)lariorum
Item added: February 19, 2020
Item modified: February 19, 2020
ID number: 24410
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