Sestis (Delta region, Egypt), 99-50 BCE
GRA III 159 =
PRainCent 51
= TM 8605
= AGRW ID# 30943
To Apollonios, kinsman (of the king) and commander (stratēgos), from the linen-cleaners (linepsoi) of . . . Anompeus and Petalion of the linen-cleaners from Therythis unlawfully moved to Sestis, which is in our own area, have undertaken the work like smugglers, and have compromised our obligations to the kingdom. Since there is no arrangement . . . of registering . . . from the earlier period until the present . . . of men . . ., we ask you, if it seems good, to arrange to write immediately to the subordinate commander (hypostratēgos), Theon, to send them down to you for . . . our judgment . . . so that we might receive help. Farewell.
Translation by: KloppenborgItem added: March 14, 2020
Item modified: March 16, 2020
ID number: 30943
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