Tebtynis (Fayum region, Egypt — Pleiades map), 46 CE (1 Sept. 45- 17 Jan. 46)
GRA III 217 =
PMich II 127
= Papyri.info TM 11972
= AGRW ID# 31219
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1437
(column 1)
(line 1) Account of the private expenses of the 6th year of Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus the Emperor, month of Sebastos.
4th of Sebastos: The price for 5 measures (stathmia) of wool: 8 silver drachmas. . .
(line 20) 30th of Sebastos (= 27 Sept.): Paid to Patron, the president of the synod (synodos) of the god for the 5th year: 4 drachmas . . .
(line 30) 4th of Phaophi (= 1 Oct.): For the synod of Harpokrates, 2 jars (keramia; likely of wine): 36 obols.
(column 2)
(line 13) 20th of Hathyr 20 (= 17 Nov.): Paid to Patron son of Tyrannos: 10 obols.
(line 33) 8th of Choiak (= 4 Dec.): Paid to Patron son of Tyrannos, as dues for the 6th year: 4 drachmas.
Translation by: Ryan J. Olfert (with modifications){line 1} λόγο(ς) δα̣π̣[άνη]ς̣ εἰδίας (ἰδίας) τοῦ (ἕκτου) (ἔτους) | Τιβερίου Κ[λαυ]δίου Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ | Γερμανικοῦ Αὐτοκράτορος μηνὸ(ς) Σεβαστοῦ | δ τυ[μη](τι[μῆ(ς)]) ἐρίω(ν) χάριν σταθμίω(ν) ε. ἀργ(υρίου) (δραχμαὶ) η.
{line 20} Πάτρωνι ἡγο(υμένῳ) (πέμπτου) (ἔτους) συνόδο(υ) θεοῦ. (δραχμαὶ) δ
{line 30} [εἰ]ς τὴν σύνωδο(ν)(σύνοδο(ν)) τοῦ Ἁρποχρά(τους) κε(ραμίων) β. (ὀβολοὶ) λϛ
ii.13 κ̣ Π̣ά̣τ̣ρω[νι Τυ]ρά̣ννου (ὀβολοὶ) ι
{column 2}
{line 33} Πάτρωνι Τυράννου ὑπὲρ συμβολῶ(ν) (ἕκτου) (ἔτους). (δραχμαὶ) δ.
Item added: April 23, 2020
Item modified: April 23, 2020
ID number: 31219
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