Thessalonike (Macedonia, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), 154 CE
IMaked 596
= IG X,2.1 288
= Albert Dumont, "Inscriptions de Salonique," BCH 8 (1884) 462-464 no. 2
= PHI 137470
= AGRW ID# 15431
Copenhagen Inventory info: 756
The associates (synētheis) of Herakles set this up as a memorial for Euphranor, fellow-associate, when Kotys son of Eirene was head of the gathering (archisynagōgos) and when Marcus Cassius Hermon, who is also called Demas, and Primigas, were secretaries (grammateis) and Python son of Lucilia, Thessalonian, was the supervisor (epimeletes). Year 185, also 301, 7th day of the month of Peritios.
Translation by: AscoughItem added: April 3, 2014
Item modified: September 7, 2020
ID number: 15431
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