Pydna (Macedonia, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), 250 CE
AGRW 45 =
GRA I 72 =
SEG 46 (1986), no. 800
= NewDocs I, pp. 26-27
= PHI 151223
= AGRW ID# 163
Copenhagen Inventory info: 41
For good fortune! In the Augustan year 282, which is also year 398, on the eighteenth day of the month of Daisios, in Pydna. The convened worshippers (thrēskeutai) of the god Zeus Hypsistos (“Highest”) decided to set up this monument (stele), when Urbanianus Vilistus was auditor (logistes); Aurelius Nigerion was leader (archōn) under the head of the synagogue (archisynagōgos), Aurelius Kepion, formerly called Pierion; Aurelius Severus was president (prostatēs); and Aurelius Theophilus, formerly called Pierion, was secretary (grammateus). The rest of the worshippers are inscribed below. Prosper!
Aurelius Erotianos, Aurelius Boethos, Titus Octavius Zosimos, Atanius Tatianus, Aurelius Trophimos, Claudius Philoumenos, Aurelia Sabina, Aurelius Artemidoros, Aurelia Parthenope, Aurelius Elpinikos, Titus Flavius Julianus, Titus Aelius Julianus, Cornelius Ophelion, Philocuris the household manager, Eleusinis the house-slave, Claudius Ambrosis, Aurelius Epagathos, Aurelius Alexandros, Aurelius Kopryllos, Cornificius Kallimorphos, Antonius Paramonos, Aurelius Poluxenos, Aurelia Atheno, Aurelius Herakleides, Aelius Philo, Aurelius Maximus, Aurelius Theodoulos, Aelius Kalophronios, Aurelius Leontiscos.
(On the left side of the stele) Through the agency of Theophilus and Aurelius Kepion, formerly called Pierion.
Translation by: Ascoughleft face
δει’ | ἐπι|με|λη||τοῦ | Θεο|φί |λου | κὲ || Αὐ|ρη|λί|ου | Κη||πί|ων|ος | το|ῦπ||ρὶν | Πι|ερ|ίω|νο||ς.
Item added: November 7, 2011
Item modified: September 6, 2020
ID number: 163
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