Ptolemais Hermiou (Upper Egypt, Egypt — Pleiades map), 137 BCE
GRA III 247 =
SB III 6184
= G. Lefebvre, ASAE 13 (1914) 215-221 (photo in plate I)
= PHI 222159
= AGRW ID# 15267
Copenhagen Inventory info: 155
Year 33 (erased: 13). For king Ptolemy, queen Kleopatra his sister, and queen Kleopatra his wife, benefactor gods, and their children. Paniskos Lykophron of Berenikeus subdivision (deme)–chief of the bodyguards, cavalry leader (hipparchus) over the men, and supervisor (epimelētēs)–and the members of the synod (synoditai) whose names are below dedicated the temple (hieron) to Thriphis, Kolanthes, Pan, and the gods who share the sanctuary:
Asklepiades son of Ptolemaios, Zenodoros son of Hipponikos, Ammonios son of Pelaios, Hermias son of Hermaiskos, Apollonios son of Philon, Mithrobandakes son of Srousos, Theon son of Leonides, Didymos son of Apollonios, Hermias son of Lykos, Hermias son of Hermias, Eubios son of Boethos, Sarapion son of Dionysios, Ambadiskos son of Hieronymos, Sosibios son of Sosibios, Straton son of Dionysios, Lykos son of Paous, Lysimachos son of Papous, Hermon son of Ptolemaios, Hermophilos son of Achilleus, Ptolemaios son of Asklepiades, Areios, Eurytidas son of Nikon, Nikandros son of Ptolemaios, Abram son of Alosmathous, Hephaistion son of Sarapion, Ammonios son of Amonios, Phatres son of Pataios, Amonios son of Lykophron.
Translation by: Ascough and HarlandItem added: March 10, 2014
Item modified: May 31, 2021
ID number: 15267
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