Thyrreion (Epeiros, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), Hellenistic era
A.K. Orlandos, Tο Έργον της εν Aθήναις Aρχαιολογικής Eταιρείας (1977) 206
= SEG 27 (1977), no. 159
= AGRW ID# 18546
Timolaos son of Sotion and the companions (symbiōtai), Lykos son of Pauson, Theon son of Name . . ., Leon son of Timokles, Andron son of Name. . ., Alkiotratos son of Zogrios, Thrasippos son of Name . . ., Sosandros son of Phrynos, Diphilos son of Name . . ., Sotion son of Soteles, Nikokles son of Name . . ., Dionysios son of Damophon, Agelaos son of Name. . ., Neagenes son of Asklapiades, Eaphoros (sic.; Euphoros [?]) son of Name. . ., Aristomachos son of Agemon, the butcher (mageiros), . . . Herkleidas son of Archedamos, the servant (or: attendant; diakonos). . .
Translation by: HarlandItem added: November 25, 2015
Item modified: January 19, 2016
ID number: 18546
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