Miletos (Ionia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 190 BCE and later
IMilet 795
= Günther 1995, 47-53 (no. 1)
= SEG 45 (1995), no. 1606 (with errors in the electronic edition)
= AGRW ID# 12191
When Menekles was crown-bearer (i.e. eponymous official of Miletos) and Sosipater was treasurer of the god, these members of the sanctuary-association (temenitai) were gathered together: Diodoros son of Apollonios, Apatourios son of Demetrios, Demetrios son of Apatourios, Epaphroditos son of Serapion, Apollonios son of Epaphrodeitos, Alexandros son of Agathios, Sabion son of Alexandros, Tryphera daughter (?) of Apollonios, Nikephoros son of Soterichos, Hermogenes son of Menekrates, Doros son of Apollonios, Athenaios son of Sarapion, Epaphroditos son of Apollonios, Athenaios son of Philippos.
(further down in larger letters) Tryphon Apollonios (?) son of Apollonios, farewell.
Translation by: Harland{further down in larger letters:} Τρύφων Ἀπολλωνίου | Ἀσκληπιάδης Ἀπολλωνίου, | Ἀπ[ο]λ[λώνιος ?] | χα̣ῖ̣[ρ]ε.
Item added: May 15, 2013
Item modified: December 8, 2015
ID number: 12191
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