Miletos (Ionia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 22/21 BCE
IMilet 801
= SEG 30 (1980), no. 1342
= PHI 252325
= AGRW ID# 12201
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1004
Piece of a slab of gray marble found in 1905 in the Roman Baths in the vicinity of the Eumenes gymnasium (24 x 22.5 x 11 cm; letter height: 2 cm).
When Herakleon son of Menodotos was crown-bearer (i.e. eponymous official of Miletos), . . . Name was secretary, Name was . . . of the sanctuary (temenos) . . . Name son of Apollonios, these members of the sanctuary association were gathered together: . . . (names missing).
Translation by: Harland[Ἐπὶ στεφ]α̣νηφόρου Ἡ[ρα]|[κλέωνος] τ̣οῦ Μηνοδότ[ου], | [γραμματ]εύοντος δὲ τ[οῦ] | [. . . ca. 7 . . .] τεμένους Λυ[. .] || [. . . τοῦ Ἀ]πολλωνίου οἵδ[ε] |[συνήχθ]ησαν τεμενεῖ̣[ται] | [- - -]
Item added: May 16, 2013
Item modified: November 6, 2020
ID number: 12201
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