Pergamon area (Mysia and the Troad, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 200-150 BCE
Helmut Müller, “Ein Kultverein von Asklepliasten bei einem Attalidischen Phrourion im Yüntdag,” Chiron 40 (2010) 427–457, at 427-428 (no. 1)
= SEG 60 (2010), no. 1332
= AGRW ID# 21785
Slab with a triangular top (pediment). Found in the area of Yaylaköy in the Yüntdağ, about 30 km east-southeast of Pergamon. Now in a private collection in Bergama. In light of the mention of the commander of the fort, it is likely that the members of this group were soldiers in a garrison. Fifteen members are listed. There is a fragmentary regulation concerning entry into an incubation room which seems to pertain to this same sanctuary of Asklepios founded by Demetrios (see Müller 2010, 438-440). The fragment reads as follows (trans. by Chaniotis from EBGR [2010], no. 129, with adaptations): ". . .anyone who enters the temple (hieron) for health reasons must be pure from sexual intercourse, having washed himself from head to feet; from contact with a dead person and from a funeral two days later; from an abortion, for the same period of time. If someone proceeds to the incubation room, which is next to the temple. . ." (remainder lost).
When Demetrios, founder of the temple (hieron), was the commander of the fort, for good fortune the first Asklepios-devotees (Asklēpiastai) came together: Demetrios son of Seuthes, Mikadion son of Aristagoras, Metrodoros son of Aphareus, Asklepiades son of Glaukias, Metrophanes son of Artemidoros, Makedon son of Andrestos, Nikanor son of Mikadion, Artemon son of Athenaios, Herakleides son of Bakchios, Kalas son of Glaukias, Apollonios son of Demetrios, Sonikos son of Aristokrates, Aristogenes son of Dionysodoros, Agenor son of Bakchios, and Pyrrias son of Demeas.
Translation by: Harland
ἐπὶ Δημητρίου φρου|ράχου τοῦ κτίσαν|τος τὸ ἱερὸν vac. ἀγαθῇ | τύχῃ vac. συνῆλθον οἱ πρ|ῶτοι Ἀσσκληπιασταί· || Δημήτριος Σεύθου, | Μικαδίων Ἀρισταγόρου, | Μητρόδωρος Ἀ̣φ̣άρου, | Ἀσκληπιάδης Γλαυκίου, | Μητροφάνης Ἀρτεμιδώ||ρου, Μακεδὼν Ἀνδρέσ|του, Νικάνωρ Μικαδίωνος̣, | Ἀρτέμων Ἀθηναίου, | Ἡρακλείδης Βακχίου, | Κάλας Γλαυκίου, || Ἀπολλώνιος Δημητρί{ου} | Σ̣ώνικος Ἀριστοκράτου, | Ἀ̣ριστογένης Διονυσοδώ|ρου, Ἀγήνωρ Βακχίου, | Πυρρίας Δημέου.
Item added: January 21, 2016
Item modified: January 21, 2016
ID number: 21785
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