Kaunos (Caria, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), Hellenistic era
IKaunos 39
= IKaunosMcCabe 11
= G. E. Bean, "Notes and Inscriptions from Caunus," JHS 73 (1953) 10–35, at 23-27 (no. 6)
= SEG 12 (1955), no. 473
= PHI 345104
= AGRW ID# 21802
Copenhagen Inventory info: 836
Lower part of a slab of limestone with molding (48 x 42 cm; letter height: 0.6-0.7 cm). Seen by Bean in the village of Sultaniye in 1947 and subsequently brought to a school in Köyceğiz. The inscription lists 22 contributors to the society (plus several contributions on behalf of their sons). For 18 of the 22 members, the person is identified with a particular locale or neighbourhood. It may be that these 18 individuals were foreigners from other cities. Some of these places may be nearby and directly linked to Kaunos as sub-divisions (demes), however. Among the place names mentioned, Polyara, Apollonia, Pandaxa, Kalynda (known to be just southeast of Kaunos), Symbra (attested in western Lycia), and Perdikia (attested in Lycia south of Telmessos) are otherwise attested as cities (see Bean's commentary). The locale of Ptolemais is attested in another inscription and by that time it was considered a deme of Kaunos (Bean, no. 5). The opening of the inscription is missing and may have begun in a similar manner as the latter list of contributors (e.g. When x was priest, these were the promised contributions to the society. . ."). The inscription would then be documenting two separate occasions when people promised to make contributions towards some project.
. . . (four largely illegible lines that make reference to man named Apolloniastes in the nominative and some place or sub-division names including Polyara and Pandaxa) . . . Zenon son of Name . . . from Polyara: 5 drachmas; . . . Name son of Drakon from Polyara: 5 drachmas; Euklesios son of Theron from Perdikia. . .: x drachmas; Menodotos son of Menodotos from Korritia: 5 drachmas; Zenon son of Apollonides from Polyara: 5 drachmas; also on behalf of his (Zenon’s) son: 5 drachmas; also on behalf of his (Zenon’s) other son, Drakon: 5 drachmas; Pyrgon son of Demetrios from Iouda: 5 drachmas; Letodoros son of Herakleides from Pasanda: 5 drachmas; Xenias son of Agreophon from Parablia: 5 drachmas; Antipatros son of Agreophon from Parablia: 4 drachmas; also on behalf of his (Antipatros’) son: 4 drachmas; Zenon son of Neon from Ptolemaia: . . . x drachmas; also on behalf of his (Zenon’s) son, Sopatros: . . . x drachmas; also on behalf of his other son, Menandros: . . . x drachmas; also on behalf of his other son, Zenon: . . . x drachmas; Menandros son of Agreophon:. . . x drachmas; also on behalf of his (Menandros’) son. . . : x drachmas; also on behalf of his other son: 3 drachmas; Damonikos son of Basileides from Kalynda: 3 drachmas; also on behalf of his (Damonikos’) son, Basileides: . . . x drachmas; also on behalf of his other son, Dionysios: 3 drachmas.
When Sosigenes was priest, these were the promised contributions to the society (thiasos) of Theodotos son of Antipatros for the increase of the society: Agreophon son of Antipatros: . . . x; Pyrgon son of Ploutogenes: 4; Demetrios son of Hermon from Karpasyanda: . . . x; Athenodoros son of Antipatros from Parablia: . . . x; Troilos son of Andreas from Ankona: . . . x; Menippos son of Apollonios from Symbra: . . . x; also on behalf of his son: . . . x; . . . Name son of Antipatros: . . .x; . . . (remainder lost).
Translation by: Harland
[— — —] Ἀπολ[— — —] | [— — Π]ολυαρεύς [— —] | [— — —] Ἀ̣πολλωνιάτ[η]ς [ — —] | [․․․․․]φάνης Ἀγρεοφ[ῶν]τος Πανδαξεύ̣[ς — — —] || [Ζή]ν̣ων Μη[․․․․․]ου Πολυαρεύς vac. 𐅂 {drachma symbol} εʹ | [․․․․․]τ̣ος Δρά[κο]ντος Πολυαρεύς vac. 𐅂 {drachma symbol} εʹ | Ε̣ὐ̣[κλ]ή̣σ̣ιος Θήρωνος Περδικίαθεν vac. | Μηνόδοτος Μ̣η̣νοδότου Κορ̣ρ̣ι̣τίας vac. 𐅂 {drachma symbol} εʹ | [Ζή]νων Ἀπολ[λω]νίδου Πολυαρεύς vac. εʹ || κ̣αὶ ὑπὲρ τοῦ υἱοῦ vac. 𐅂 {drachma symbol} εʹ | καὶ τοῦ ἄλλ[ου υἱ]οῦ Δ̣ρά[κ]οντος vac. 𐅂 {drachma symbol} εʹ | Πύρ̣γων Δημητρίου Ἰου̣δεύς̣ vac. 𐅂 {drachma symbol} εʹ | Λητόδωρος Ἡρ̣α[κ]λείδου Πασανδεύς vac. 𐅂 {drachma symbol} εʹ | Ξ̣ενίας Ἀγρεοφῶν[το]ς Παράβλιος vac. 𐅂 {drachma symbol} εʹ || Ἀντίπατρος Ἀγρεοφῶντος Πα̣ρ̣ά[β]λιος vac. 𐅂 {drachma symbol} δʹ | κ̣α̣ὶ̣ ὑπὲρ τοῦ υἱοῦ Λέοντος vac. δʹ | Ζήνων Ν̣έ̣ω̣[νος] Πτολεμαιεύς vac. [— —] | καὶ ὑπὲρ τοῦ υἱοῦ Σωπάτρου vac. [— —] | καὶ ὑπὲρ τοῦ ἄλλου υἱοῦ Μενάνδρου vac. [— —] || καὶ ὑπὲρ τοῦ ἄλλου [υἱ]οῦ Ζήνωνος vac. [— —] | Μένανδρος Ἀγρεοφῶ[ν]τος vac. [— —] | καὶ ὑπὲρ τοῦ υἱοῦ vac. [— —] | κ̣αὶ ὑπὲρ ἄλλο[υ] υἱο̣ῦ̣ vac. γʹ | Δαμόνικος Βασιλείδου Καλ[υ]νδεύς vac. γʹ || καὶ ὑπὲρ τοῦ υἱοῦ Βασιλείδου vac. [— —] | [κ]αὶ ὑπὲρ τοῦ ἄλλου υἱοῦ Διονυ[σ]ίου vac. 𐅂 {drachma symbol} γʹ | [κ]αὶ οἱ ἐπανγειλάμενοι ἐπὶ ἱερέως Σωσιγένους, ὡς δὲ ἐν τῶ[ι θι]|[ά]σωι Θεοδότου τοῦ Ἀντι̣πάτρ[ο]υ, εἰς τὴν ἐπα[ύ]ξησιν τοῦ̣ θι̣[άσου] | Ἀγρεοφῶν Ἀντιπάτρου vac. [— —] || Πύργων Πλουτογένους vac. δʹ | Δημήτριος Ἕρμωνος Καρπασυανδε[ύ]ς vac. [— —] | Ἀθηνόδωρος Ἀντιπάτρου Παράβ̣λιο̣ς vac. [— —] | Τρώιλος Ἀνδρέου Ἀνκ[ω]ν̣εύς vac. [— —] | Μένιππος Ἀπολλωνίου Συμβρεύς vac. [— —] || [κ]αὶ ὑπὲρ τοῦ υἱοῦ vac. [— —] | [․]ηνόδωρος Ἀντιπάτρου vac. [— —]
Item added: January 22, 2016
Item modified: November 6, 2020
ID number: 21802
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