Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

List of Contributors to a Building Project Led by Xouthos of Antioch (ca. 195 BCE) Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands

Rhodos on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), 195 BCE
G. Konstantinopoulos, Archaiologikon Deltion 21 A (1966) 56-61 = SEG 53 (2003), no. 822 = PHI 192090 = AGRW ID# 21540


Plaque of marble found reused in a building. This association consists of a mixture of immigrants and was led by an archeranistēs which may suggest that members would be called eranistai, "contributors." The places or plots may be funerary.

When Sodamos was priest on the 12th of Hyakinthios, Xouthos from Antioch, who was chief contributing member (archeranistēs), and those choosing to contribute towards the construction of the buildings surrounding the plots belonging to Dionysios from Sikyon, Zoilos from Gargaris, and Metrodoros from Ephesos inscribed the names of those who made a promise and paid.  Those electing to establish what was planned for the association (koinon) with respect to the surrounding buildings and. . . the doors for the plots promised to give a gift:  Xouthos from Antioch: 20 (drachmas); Dionysios from Sikyon: 5; Myron from Ephesos: 30; Dromon from Cappadocia: 5 and the doors; Sophon from Ilion: 10; Zoilos from Gargaris: . . . x; Menophilos from Ephesos: x . . . ; Getas from Antioch: x. . . (remainder lost).

Translation by: Harland

ἐπὶ ἰερέως Σωδάμου | Ὑακινθίου δωδεκάται | ἀρχερανιστοῦντος | Ξούθου Ἀντιοχέως || καὶ τῶν αἱρεθέντων εἰς τὰν | περ[ι]οικοδομ[ὰν] τῶν τόπων | Διονυσίου [Σι]κυωνίου, | Ζω[ίλ]ου Γαργαρέως, Ματροδώρου | Ἐφεσίου ἀνέγραψαν τοὺς || ἐπαγγειλαμένους καὶ ἀπο|δόντας. τοίδε [π]ροαιρούμενοι | συγκατασκευάζειν τὰ δεδο|γμένα τῶι κοινῶι ἐ[πὶ] τὰν πε[ρι]|οικοδομὰν καὶ [θύρωσιν] || τῶν τόπων ἐπ[ηγγείλ]α̣[ντο] | δώσειν δωρεάν. | Ξοῦθος Ἀντιοχεὺς ΔΔ | Διονύσιος Σικυώνιος Γ | Μύρων Ἐφέσιος ΔΔΔ || Δρόμων Καππάδοξ Γ | καὶ θύρας | Σόφων Ἰλιεὺς Δ | Ζωίλος Γαργαρεὺ[ς —ʹ] | Μηνόφιλος Ἐ̣φέ̣[σιος —ʹ] || Γέτας Ἀν̣[τιοχεὺς —ʹ] | ΚΑΙΓΕ̣[— — —]

Item added: January 16, 2016
Item modified: December 19, 2018
ID number: 21540
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