Tralles (Caria, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), I-II CE
ITrall 168
= M. Pappakonstantinou, Ἁι Τράλλεις ήτοι Συλλογὴ Τραλλιανῶν ἐπιγραφῶν (Athens: M. Pappakonstantinou, 1895) 60 (no. 101), with sketch in plate 13.
= PHI 262863
= AGRW ID# 13189
Claudianus: . . . (x denarii contribution [?]); . . . Perilaos son of Damas: . . . x denarii (?); . . . Agroitas: 150 denarii; Antonios Censorinus (?): 100 denarii; Antonios . . . : 100 denarii; Claudia daughter of Archimedes: x denarii; Menandros son of Theodoros,. . . also on behalf of (?) . . . Theodoros and Menandros who is also called Metrodoros (?): . . . x denarii (?) . . . The initiates (mystai) who received these contributions honored these people because of their (i.e. the contributors’) display of honor towards them and their piety towards the god.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: June 5, 2013
Item modified: December 10, 2015
ID number: 13189
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