Paros (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), ca. 200 BCE
IG XII,5 186 (addenda p. 310)
= Adolf Wilhelm, "Die sogenannte Hetäreninschrift aus Paros," AM 23 (1898) 409-440
= Ernst Maass, "Zur Hetäreninschrift von Paros," AM 18 (1893) 21-26
= PHI 77404
= AGRW ID# 15199
Slab of white marble broken in two and found reused in a private house (62 x 32 x 6.5 cm). Another inscription from Paros attests to a Theophron son of Deiphanos who, along with his wife, dedicates a monument to Asklepios and Hygieia on behalf of their children (IG XII,5 170). As Taylor also notes, there are numerous women by the same name in this group, including Aspasia (five occurrences in lines 8, 9, 22, 24, 26), Timarete (four in lines 12, 17, 18, 19), Herasippe (three in lines 11, 13, 19), Myllis (two in lines 7, 12), Malthion (three in lines 13, 14, 16), Zosime (three in lines 23, 27, 31), Proto (three in lines 18, 24, 32), Paidarchis (two in lines 10, 27), Eision (two in lines 22, 28), and Aglais (two in lines 23, 33). See Claire Taylor, "Women’s Social Networks and Female Friendship in the Ancient Greek City," Gender and History 23 (2011) 703-720, at 718; cf. Danièle Berranger, Paros II: Prosopographie générale et étude historique du début de la période classique jusqu'à la fin de la période (CRCA; Aubière, France: Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2000), 177-179; Eftychia Stavrianopoulou, "Gruppenbild mit Dame": Untersuchungen zur rechtlichen und sozialen Stellung der Frau auf den Kykladen im Hellenismus und in der römischen Kaiserzeit (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2006), 242-243.
(one missing line) . . . When Theophron son of Deiphanos was civic leader (archōn), Akesios was temple-warden (neōkoros), and Soistrous (Sotrous [?]; cf. line 28) was priestess, it (the association [?]) made a collection for the restoration of the fountain, the altar, and the shrine: Myllis daughter of Chares: 5; Pnyto daughter of Euagoras: 6; Philako daughter of Euagoras: 3; Aspasia daughter of Chares: 5; Mnesion daugther of Timesi. (perhaps Timesios or Timesias): 5; Aspasia daughter of Teisenor: 6; (10) Paidarchis daughter of Time.: 3; Philissa daughter of Timesi.: 6; Herasippe daughter of Archelaos: 5; Melinion daughter of Mnesiepes: 6; Myllis daughter of Krit.: 44 (μδʹ ?); Timarete daughter of Timesi.: 6; Erasippe daughter of Mne.: 6; Malthion daughter of Epianax: 6; Malthion daughter of Philo.: 5; Philyto daughter of Gorgos: 5; Harpale daughter of Prosthenes: 6; Peko daughter of Tima.: 3; Phanodike daughter of Paron: 3; Malthion daughter of Prosthenes: x . . . ; Proto daughter of Mne.: 3; Timarete daughter of Gorgos: 5; Kleinaro daughter of Pythippos: 3; Timarete daughter of Kli.: x . . . ; Timarete daughter of Epianax: 2; Erasippe daughter of Kra.: . . . 2 (?). . .; (20) Archis daughter of Archetimos: 2 ; Phrynis daughter of Kleodemos (?): 1; Gorgis daughter of Kleodemos: 1; Timesariste . . . daughter of Name: x (?). . .; Aspasia daughter of Pattalos: 2; Eision daughter of Dexi.: 2; . . . Name: 1; Zosime: 1; Aglais: 1 obol; Proto: daughter of Alki.: 3; Aspasia daughter of Alexa.: 31; Glykinna: 2; Patrophila daughter of Philo.: 2; Aspasia daughter of Nikagoras: 3; Soteira daughter of De.: 3 obols (⌠), Paidarchis daughter of Arche.: 2; Zosime daughter of Aischrion: 1; Eision daughter of Theodoros: 2; Sostro (cf. Soistrous in line 4) daughter of Akesias: . . . 1 (?)| Patroxena: 1; Kleopatra: 3 obols; (30) . . . Name daughter of Metro.: 1; Euemeria daughter of Glyk.: 6; Kydime (?) daughter of Zoilos: 6; Lais daughter of Mne.: 1; Zosime: . . . x; Damaro (?): 1; Proto: 1; Zotiche . . .: 2 obols (≈); Aglais daughter of Theo.: 3 obols (⌠); Omilia daughter of Kal.: . . . x; Glykera (?) daughter of Kal. Γλυκ]έρα(?): 2 obols (≈); Eugeneia: 1; Name . . . : 3 obols (⌠); Apate daughter of Pra.: 3 obols (⌠~); Name . . .; x; Hesychion (?) daughter of Euemeros; 1; Horaia: . . . x; Name daughter of Akesias: 1.
Translation by: Harland
․ωσ[— — —] | ἐπ’ ἄρχοντος Θεόφρονος τοῦ Δειφά|νου, νεωκοροῦντος Ἀκέσιος | καὶ Σοιστροῦς ἱερῆς, ἐλόγευσε[ν] | εἰς ἐπισκευὴν τῆς κρήνης καὶ || τοῦ βωμοῦ καὶ τοῦ θαλάμου· | Μυλλὶς Χάρητος εʹ, Πνυτὼ Εὐαγό(ρου) | ϛʹ, Φιλακὼ Εὐαγό(ρου) γʹ, Ἀσπασία Χάρη(τος) | εʹ, Μνήσιον Τιμησι. εʹ, Ἀσπασία Τεισή(νορος) ϛʹ, | Παιδαρχὶς Τιμη. γʹ, Φίλισσα Τιμησι. ϛʹ, || Ἑρασίππη Ἀρχελά(ου) εʹ, Μελίνιον Μνησιέ(που) | ϛʹ, Μυλλὶς Κριτ. μδʹ(?), Τιμαρέτη Τιμησι. ϛʹ, | Ἐρασίππη Μνη. ϛʹ, Μάλθιον Ἐπιάνα(κτος) ϛʹ, | Μάλθιον Φιλω(ν—) εʹ, Φιλυτὼ Γόργου εʹ, | [Ἁ]ρπαλῆ Προσθέ(νου) ϛʹ, Πεκὼ Τιμα. γʹ, || [Φ]ανοδίκη Πάρω(νος) γʹ, Μάλθιον Προσθέ(νου) | —ʹ(?), Πρωτὼ Μνη. γʹ, Τιμαρέτη Γόργου εʹ, | [Κ]λειναρὼ Πυθίπ(που) γʹ, Τιμαρέτη Κλι. | —ʹ(?), Τιμαρέτη Ἐπιάνα(κτος) βʹ, Ἐρασίπ(π)η Κρα. | [βʹ (?)], Ἀρχὶς Ἀρχετί(μου) βʹ, Φρυνὶς Κλ[εοδ]ή(μου) αʹ. || [Γ]οργὶς Κλεοδή(μου) αʹ, Τιμησαρίστ[η —ʹ(?)], | [Ἀ]σπασία [Π]αττά(λου). βʹ, Εἴσιον Δεξι. βʹ, | ․․․․․․ίτη αʹ, Ζωσίμη αʹ, Ἀγλαῒς ~ {obol}, | [Πρ]ωτὼ Ἀλκι. γʹ, Ἀσπασία Ἀλεξα. λαʹ, || Γλύκιννα βʹ, Πατροφίλα Φιλω(ν—) γʹ, | Ἀσπασία [Ν]ικαγό(ρου) γʹ, Σώτειρα Δη. ⌠ {three obols}, | [Πα]ιδαρχὶς Ἀρχε. βʹ, Ζωσίμη Αἰ<σ>χρί(ου) αʹ, | [Ε]ἴσιον Θεοδώ(ρου) βʹ, Σω<σ>τρὼ Ἀκέσιος [αʹ], | [Π]α[τ]ροξένα αʹ, Κλεοπάτρα ⌠ {three obols}, || [․․․ν]ίππη Μητρο. αʹ, Εὐημερία Γλυ(κ—) [ϛʹ], | [Κυδ]ίμη(?) Ζωΐ(λου) ϛʹ, Λαῒς Μνη. αʹ, Ζωσίμη | [—ʹ(?) Δ]αμαρ[ὼ] αʹ, Πρωτ[ὼ] αʹ, Ζωτίχη | ․․․ ≈ {two obols}, Ἀγλαῒς Θεο. ⌠ {three obols}, Ὁμιλία Καλ. | [—(?), Γλυκ]έρα(?) Καλ. ≈ {two obols}, Εὐγένεια αʹ, || ․․․․․εια ⌠ {three obols}, Ἀπάτη Πρα. ⌠~ {three obols with symbol for obol}, Ἐλε[—]|[․․․․․ Ἡσ]ύχιον Εὐημέ(ρου) αʹ, Ὡραία | [․․․․․․․ί]α Ἀκέσιος αʹ.
Item added: March 11, 2015
Item modified: February 18, 2016
ID number: 15199
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