Euhemeria (Fayum region, Egypt — Pleiades map), 14-37 CE
GRA III 205 =
PRyl II 94
= Arthur S. Hunt and C.C. Edgar, eds. Select Papyri (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1934) 188–189 (no. 255)
= TM 13009
= AGRW ID# 31190
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1280
Herakles son of Petesouchos, leader (hēgoumōn) of the weavers (gerdioi) of Euhemeria, and Aphrodisios son of Asklepiades, secretary (grammateus) of the same weavers, to Heron agent of Sotas, advisor (exēgētēs), greetings. We acknowledge that we stand as sureties to you for Apheus son of Apheus, Harpagathes son of Orsenouphis, Heras son of Orsenouphis, Melas son of Hergeus, and Herakles son of Apollonios, all five weavers of the said village of Euhemeria, and that we must produce them to you whenever you choose in order to answer the claims in the petition of Paninoutis son of Aphrodisios the wool-worker (eriourgos). I, the Aphrodisios mentioned earlier, have written for Herakles because he is illiterate. The . . . xth year of Tiberius Caesar Augustus on the 18th of Epeiph.
Translation by: Mark Mueller (with modifications)Item added: April 23, 2020
Item modified: July 17, 2020
ID number: 31190
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