Sardis area [near Gygaia lake] (Lydia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), ca. 150 BCE
SEG 32 (1982), no. 1236
= SEG 32 (1982), no. 1236
= PHI 277195
= AGRW ID# 600
Year six, when Hermogenes was high–priest, Apollonios son of Kadoas, the priest, and the initiates (mystai) of Apollo on the Shores honoured Euxenos son of Menandros, the Sardian who was in charge of the sacred revenues and who was a noble and good man towards them. They are: Kadoas son of Pleri, Metrodoros son of Mithres, Apollonios son of Kallimachos, (10) Artemidoros son of Apollonios, Antiochos son of Menandros, Pytheas son of Chares, Onasos son of Diognetos, Menekrates son of Metrodoros, Mithres son of Metrodoros, Metrodoros son of Menekrates, … Name son of Antiochos, Dionysios Ap., Apollonios son of Artemidoros, … Name son of Apollodoros, Name …, Asklepiades son of Sokrates, and …
Translation by: HarlandItem added: November 20, 2011
Item modified: December 4, 2015
ID number: 600
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