Sardis (Lydia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), early imperial era
= SEG 46 (1996), no. 1527
= AGRW ID# 613
Block of marble found on Pactolus Cliff between the street of the bath-gymnasium complex and the temple of Artemis.
The initiates (mystai) honored Asklepiades Kotteus son of Apollonios, deceased youth (ephebe).
Translation by: Harlandοἱ μύσσται ἐτείμησαν Ἀσ|κληπιάδην Ἀπολλωνίου Κοτ|τῆα ἔφηβον ἥρωα.
Item added: November 20, 2011
Item modified: December 4, 2015
ID number: 613
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