Rhodos on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), II BCE
IG XII,1 162
= CMRDM I 16
= RICIS 204/0105 = SIRIS 176
= PHI 138700
= AGRW ID# 12539
Copenhagen Inventory info: 2050
Large base of limestone (103 x 41 x 74 cm). One of the associations here has the longest name (and most patron deities) for an association as far as I've seen: "devotees of the Savior deity, Asklepios, Poseidon, Herakles, Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes, and the Mother of the gods" (Soteriastai Aklepiastai Poseidoniastai Herakleistai Athenaistai Aphrodisiastai Hermaistai) – unless these are numerous associations with poor grammatical constructions in the inscription.
. . . Name . . . has been honored by the association (koinon) of Aristeideian devotees of Helios, Athena, and Hermes (Heliastai Athenaistai Hermaistai) with a gold crown; by the association of devotees of Zeus Soter (“Savior”) and Sarapis with an olive crown; by the Sarapis-devotees with a gold crown; by the association of devotees of the god Men and the goddess Aphrodite (Meniastai Aphrodisiastai) with a gold crown; by the association of devotees of the Savior deity, Asklepios, Poseidon, Herakles, Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes, and the Mother of the gods (Soteriastai Aklepiastai Poseidoniastai Herakleistai Athenaistai Aphrodisiastai Hermaistai) with a gold crown; and, by the association of Hestiasts with an olive crown.
Translation by: Harland
[— — {name} — —] | {line 1} τ̣[ι]μ̣αθ[έ]ντος ὑπὸ Ἁλιαστᾶν Ἀθαναϊστᾶν Ἑρμαϊστᾶν Ἀ[ρ]ιστειδείων | κοινοῦ χρυσέωι στεφάνωι· καὶ ὑπὸ Διὸς Σωτηριαστᾶν | Σαραπιαστᾶν κοινοῦ θαλλίνωι στεφάνωι· | καὶ ὑπὸ Σαραπιαστᾶν χρυσέωι στεφάνωι· καὶ ὑπὸ Μ̣ηνιαστ̣ᾶν || Ἀφροδισιαστᾶν κοινοῦ χρυσέωι στεφάνωι· καὶ ὑπὸ Σωτηριαστᾶν | Ἀσκλαπιαστᾶν Ποσειδανιαστᾶν Ἡρακλεϊστᾶν Ἀθαναϊστᾶν Ἀφροδισιαστᾶν | Ἑρμαϊστᾶν Ματρὸς Θεῶν κοινοῦ χρυσέωι στεφάνωι· [κα]ὶ ὑπὸ | Ἑστιαστᾶν κοινοῦ θαλλίνωι στεφάνωι.

IG XII,1 162: Facsimile by Hiller von Gaertringen.
Public domain.
Item added: May 25, 2013
Item modified: March 18, 2021
ID number: 12539
Short link address:
Category: 4) Greek Islands,
b) Southeastern islands (off Caria and Cilicia),
c) 2nd century BCE,
Cybele / Meter / Mother,
d) Group with a deity in its name (e.g. Demetriasts),
Honorary inscription,