Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Honours by Thiounta Village for a Brotherhood [A and B] (II CE) Hierapolis area [Thiounta] - Phrygia

Hierapolis area [Thiounta] (Phrygia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), II CE
IPhrygR 30-31 = W.M. Ramsay, "Antiquities of Southern Phrygia and the Border Lands (III)," The American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts 4 (1888) 263-283, at 278-279 = PHI 270925 = AGRW ID# 12111
Copenhagen Inventory info: 450


Two large slabs with similar reliefs. According to Ramsay's descriptions and drawings, the relief depicts Zeus standing with his sceptre in his left hand, Fortune to the left with a rudder, and a sun-god with radiated head further to the left. Hermes is pictured on the right along with a cart drawn by two oxen. The members of the phratra are depicted beneath the relief of the gods, each identified by name, and several belong to the same families (in some cases spanning three generations). Musicians and bulls are depicted beneath the members. The brotherhood had played an important role in supplying for and participating in the village's night-festival in honor of Zeus. It is not clear whether this is an official body / board or an association. Thiounta was a village located near Dionysoupolis, about 25 km northwest of Hierapolis.

(monument A = IPhrygR 30)

The Thiountian People honored with a monument (stele) and a crown the brotherhood (phratra) which is gathered around Theodotos Diogeneianos and Glykon son of Diodoros, director of contests.

(first row of members) Theodotos Diogeneianos, Glykon son of Diodoros, the director of contests, and Zeuxis son of Diodoros, the “papa”, purchased a place for the monument (stele).  Menandros son of Glykon, Zosimos Kyrtos (Quartus ?), Eutyches son of Euaros, Menekles son of Alexandros, Lykotas son of Apollonios,

(second row of members) Diodoros IV Gorgion, Diodoros son and grandson of Cherylos, Menandros II Kyron, Athenagoras Sabys son of Apollonios, Apellides (?) Theophilos son of Diodoros, Apollonios son of Mikketos, Zeuxis II (?) Apenion (?), Zeuxis son of Krysion.

(third row of members) Zosimos son of Alexandros, Eiollas son of Zeuxis, Menandros son of Apheianos Leptopoios, Dionysis son of Trophimos, Athenagoras son of Heilikion, Diogenes son of Auxinion, Tatianos son and grandson of Dionysios, Athenagoras Kerkys.  (beneath the members) They also supplied oil for eight days.



(monument B = IPhrygR 31)

(at the top of the pediment)

To good fortune.  The Thiountian People . . . honored (?) . . . with a monument (stele) and a crown the brotherhood (phratra) which is gathered around Diodoros Kolokynthianos son of Athenagoras and around Athenagoras son of Diodoros Gorgion.


(first row of members) Diodoros Kolokynthianos son of Athenagoras, who provided 550 denarii for the night-festival (pannychis), Athenagoras son of Diodoros Gorgion, Kasmos III descendent of Papios, a guard, Apollonios II Lapisas, Theokritos Korudon son of Theokritos, Apollonides son of Apollonides Lechitas, Tatianos Aigeon son of Papios, Apollonios son of Diodoros Chairylos.

(second row of members) Zeuxios II Iollas, Zeuxios Korydon son of Diodoros, Euxenion son of Zosimos, Iollas son of Apollonios, Zeuxios son of Apollonios Mikketes, Zeuxios son of Menandros Psapharos, Apollonios II Kennenion, Ioustos (Justus ?) II Hellenios.

(third row of members) Theodoros son of Mason, Apollonions Pityra son of Theophilos, Zeuxios son of Apellidos Myres, Iollas son of Hikesios, Zeuxios descended from Gaius for three generations, Eutyches son of Didymos, Menandros son of Euxenion, Glykon Mongos son of Eutyches.

(below the members) Since they celebrated the night-festival for Zeus for eight days and they supplied oil for eight days.


Translation by: Harland

(A = IPhrygR 30)


ὁ δῆμος ὁ Θιουντέων ἐτείμησεν στήλλῃ {στήλῃ} κὲ στεφάνῳ φράτραν τὴν περὶ Θεόδ<ο>τον Διογενειανὸν καὶ Γλύκωνα Διοδώρου ἀγωνοθέτην. {first row of members} Θεόδοτος Διογενειανός. Γλύκων Διοδώρου ἀγωνοθέτης. Ζεῦξις Διοδώρου ἄππας ἀγοράσας τόπον στήλης. Μένανδρος Γλύκωνος. Ζώσιμος Κυρτός. Εὐτύχης Εὐάρου. Μενεκλῆς Ἀλ<ε>ξάνδρου. Λυκώτας Ἀπολλωνίου. {second row of members} Διόδωρος δʹ Γοργίων. Διόδωρος βʹ Χερύλου. Μένανδρος δὶς Κύρων. Ἀθηναγόρας Ἀππολλωνίου Σάβυς. Ἀ[πελ]λίδης Διοδώρου Θεόφιλ[ος]. Ἀπολ<λ>ώνι(ο)ς Μικκήτου. Ζεῦξις [δὶς Ἀ]πη[νίω]ν(?). Ζεῦξις Κρυσίωνος. {third row of members} Ζώσιμος Ἀλεξάνδρου. Εἰόλλας Ζεύξιδος. Μένανδρος Ἀφ<φ>ειανοῦ Λεπτοπυοῦ {Λεπτοποιοῦ}. Διονύσις Τροφίμου. Ἀθηναγόρας Εἱλικίωνος. Διογένης Αὐξινίωνος. Τατιανὸς δὶς Διονυσίου. Ἀθηναγόρας Κερκυς. {beneath the members} καὶ ἤλιψαν ἡμέρας ηʹ. {relief}

(B = IPhrygR 31)

{at the top of the pediment:} ἀγαθῇ τύχῃ. ὁ δῆμος ὁ Θιουντέων [ἐτείμησαν] στήλλῃ {στήλῃ} καὶ στεφάνῳ φράτραν τὴν περὶ | Διόδωρον Ἀθηναγόρου Κολοκυνθιανὸν καὶ περὶ Ἀθηναγόραν Διοδώρου Γοργί|ωνος.


{first row of members} Διόδωρος Ἀθηναγόρου Κολοκυνθιανὸς ἔδωκεν ἰς τὴν παννυχίδα (δην.) φνʹ. Ἀθηναγόρας Διοδώρου Γοργίωνος. Κάσμος γʹ τοῦ Παπίου παραφύλαξ. Ἀπολλώνιος βʹ Λαπισας. Θεόκριτος Θεοκρίτου Κορυδών. Ἀπολλωνίδης Ἀπολλωνίδου Λεχίτου. Τατιανὸς Παπίου Αἰγεών. Ἀπολλώνιος Διοδώρου Χαιρύλου.

{second row of members} Ζεύξιος βʹ Ἰόλλα. Ζεύξιος Διοδώρου Κορυδών. Εὐξενίων Ζωσίμου. Ἰόλλας Ἀπολλωνίου. Ζεύξιος Ἀπολλωνίου Μικκήτου. Ζεύξιος Μενάνδρου Ψαφαρου. Ἀπολλώνιος βʹ Κεννηνίων. Ἰοῦστος βʹ Ἑλλήνιος.

{third row of members} Θεόδωρος Μάσωνος. Ἀπολλώνιος Θεοφίλου Πιτυρᾶ. Ζεύξιος Ἀπελλίδου Μυρῆδος. Ἰόλλας Ἱκεσίου. Ζεύξιος γʹ Γαίου. Εὐτύχης Διδύμου. Μένανδρος Εὐξενίωνος. Γλύκων Εὐτύχου Μόνγος.

{below the members} [ἐπ]ειδὴ ἐποίησαν παννυχίδα τῷ Διῒ ἡμέρας ηʹ καὶ ἤλιψαν ἡμέρας ηʹ.


IPhrygR 30: Drawing from Ramsay, “Brotherhoods and Phratrai,” in Asianic Elements in Greek Civilisation (London: John Murray, 1927) 196, figure 1.
Public domain.

IPhrygR 31: Drawing from Ramsay, “Brotherhoods and Phratrai,” in Asianic Elements in Greek Civilisation (London: John Murray, 1927) 197, figure 2.
Public domain.

Item added: May 13, 2013
Item modified: October 18, 2020
ID number: 12111
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