Rhodos on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), 100-50 BCE
IG XII,1 43
= IGR IV 1114
= PHI 138578
= AGRW ID# 12506
Copenhagen Inventory info: 2113
Slab found in the ruins of the church of St. John. The honoree, whose name is lost, was a soldier who was honored by three different associations, all involving other soldiers and ship-men. Two of these associations appear to have the Great gods of Samothrace as patron deities. The Lemniasts may include immigrants from the island of Lemnos, which was located near Samothrace. Lemnos was well-known for its sanctuary for Hephaistos (cf. Homer, Iliad 1.590ff), but there were also rites held in honor of the Kabeiroi there, who were sometimes identified with the great Gods of Samothrace. Also see Cole 1984, 84-85
. . . Name . . . having fought as a soldier in the war in decked ships and in small ships with three sets of oars (triremes), has been honored by the association (koinon) of comrades (halikiōtai = hēlikiōtai) with a crown of olive leaves and gold because of his virtue and goodwill towards them. Having fought as a soldier under the commander Antiochos, he has been honored by the association of Samothraciast (Samothrakiastai) mid-ship rowers (mesoneoi) with a gold crown because of his virtue, goodwill and pursuit of glory, which he continues to have towards the association of Samothraciast mid-ship rowers. His fellow-soldiers (synstrateusamenoi) in the association of Samothraciasts and Lemniasts (Lemniastai; i.e. those from the island of Lemnos or devotees of a god associated with that island) honored him with a praising, gold crown because of the goodwill and pursuit of glory which he continues to have towards the association of Samothraciasts and Lemniasts who are fellow-soldiers. Furthermore, he has been officer in charge of the bow of the ship with three sets of oars (trireme), he has led unfortified ships, he was overseer of the boys (paides), he has led the sacrifices, and he has been civic president (prytanis). This was dedicated to the gods. Epicharmos from Soloi (in Cilicia), to whom the right of residence was granted, and Epicharmos son of Epicharmos, Rhodian, made this.
Translation by: Harland
[— — {name of honoree} — —] | στρατευσάμενον κατὰ πόλ̣[εμον] | ἔν τε ταῖς καταφράκτοις ναυσὶ | καὶ ἐν τριημιολίαις καὶ τιμαθέντα | ὑπὸ ἁλικιωτᾶν τοῦ κοινοῦ θαλλοῦ || στεφάνωι καὶ χρυσέωι ἀρετᾶς | ἕνεκα καὶ εὐνοίας τᾶς εἰς αὐτούς· | ——— καὶ στρατευσάμενον ὑπὸ ἄρχοντα | Ἀντίοχον καὶ τιμαθέντα ὑπὸ | Σαμοθραικιαστᾶν μεσονέων τοῦ || κοινοῦ χρυσέωι στεφάνωι ἀρετᾶς | ἕνεκα καὶ εὐνοίας καὶ φιλοδοξίας | ἃν ἔχων διατελεῖ εἰς τὸ Σαμοθραικι|αστᾶν μεσονέων κοινόν· ——— καὶ | τοὶ συνστρατευσάμενοι ἐτίμασαν || Σαμοθραικιαστᾶν καὶ Λημνιαστᾶν | τὸ κοινὸν ἐπαίνωι χρυσέωι στεφάνωι | ἀρετᾶς ἕνεκα καὶ εὐνοίας καὶ φιλοδοξίας | ἃν ἔχων διατελεῖ εἰς τὸ Σαμοθρᾳκιαστᾶν | καὶ Λημνιαστᾶν τῶν συνστρατευσαμένων || κοινόν· ——— καὶ πρωρατεύσαντα τριηρέων | καὶ ἄρξαντα ἀφράκτων | καὶ ἐπιστάταν γενόμενον τῶν παίδων | καὶ ἱεροθυτήσαντα | καὶ πρυτανεύσαντα. θεοῖς. || Ἐπίχαρμος Σολεύς, ὧι ἁ ἐπιδαμία δέδοται, | καὶ Ἐπίχαρμος Ἐπιχάρμου Ῥόδιος ἐποίησαν.

IG XII,1 43: Facsimile by Hiller von Gaertringen.
Public domain.
Item added: May 21, 2013
Item modified: February 23, 2021
ID number: 12506
Short link address:
Category: 4) Greek Islands,
b) Southeastern islands (off Caria and Cilicia),
c) Ethnic / immigrant association,
d) 1st century BCE,
d) Group with a deity in its name (e.g. Demetriasts),
f) Occupational guild (excluding those below),
Great Gods of Samothrace,
Honorary inscription,
i) Groups of soldiers,
j) Facsimiles or squeezes of inscriptions,
Member (or leader) of the group,
Military person