Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Honors (frag.) by Purple-dyers for a Procurator (undated) Hierapolis - Phrygia

Hierapolis (Phrygia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), undated
IHierapJ 42 = IGR IV 816 = Waltzing, no. 122 = PHI 271657 = AGRW ID# 10521
Copenhagen Inventory info: 143


Broken slab of white marble found in near the halls in the vicinity of the theater (50 x 52 cm).

(two lines missing) . . . the greatest procurator (epitropos) of Augustus.  The most revered guild (ergasia) of purple-dyers honored their own benefactor in everything.

Translation by: Harland

[— — —] | [— —]Υ[—]Ε[— — —] | τὸν κράτιστον | ἐπίτροπον τοῦ | Σεβαστοῦ || ἡ σεμνοτάτη ἐργα|σία τῶν πορφυρα|βάφων τὸν ἑαυτῆς | ἐν πᾶσιν εὐεργέ|την.

IHierapJ 42: Facsimile by Judeich.
Public domain.


Item added: February 8, 2013
Item modified: October 18, 2020
ID number: 10521
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